Monday, January 31, 2005

Slippery When Wet

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New Dana Dark Photo Set, Art Supplies, Sex, Drugs, Office Supplies

Just posted a new Dana Dark photo set to Blue Blood's Was thinking about her, so it seemed like a perfect time to work on getting a set live. There is so much stuff I've shot that I want to show people. Just not enough hours in the day. Not to mention the crazy bandwidth all our stuff runs through every month. Shopping for way too much equipment all at once right now. I need to get another server and new lights and a new camera and and and. Why, oh, why are art supplies not free like sex, drugs, and office supplies?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Meme Quiz Question Thingie: FRESHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL

Meme question thing snarfed from spikyme and edited for one question I didn't feel like answering and one I totally didn't understand.


[What were your three favorite bands?]
Rush, AC/DC, Foreigner

[What was your favorite outfit?]
Colored Calvin Klein jeans and funky old tops that used to be my mom's

[What was up with your hair?]
Big, half-assedly dyed, sort of feathered in front, a lot like it is now

[What did you do after school?]
Play Tunnels & Trolls (like D&D but superior in playability in my estimation at the time), drink, ride my bicycle, make out, do homework, write, go to the beach, go to the Ambassador's pool, go to bars/cafes, go to parties, plan social events

[Where did you work?]
I was 14 and living overseas. I didn't have a job.

[Did you take the bus?]
Sometimes, but it came pretty early in the morning, so sometimes I walked briskly instead and sometimes my parents gave me a ride

[Who did you have a crush on?]
A different person or six every month or two for the most part, especially a guy with the Australian embassy a year behind me named Martin Grellis and a guy whose stepdad did some sort of shady military consulting or something a year ahead of me named (depending on who you asked) either David Morehead or David Calloway (Man, both of them are going to Google themselves and find this . . .)

[Did you fight with your parents?]
No. Sometimes we had heated discussions about staying out late in degenerate places, but generally it was all fine once I got my grades up and kept them up.

[Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?]
No one. We didn't really get American or English language media there.

[Did you smoke cigarettes?]
No, but I kind of liked what they smelled like at the time.

[Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?]

[Did you have a 'clique'?]
No. My school was very small and it was pretty doable to move around amongst various social circles with varied interests. (And look how I turned out)

[Admit it, were you popular?]
Probably. I was new in school that year and was class president the following year there.

[Who did you want to be just like?]
Whoever my true self was, once I figured that out.

[What did you want to be when you grew up?]
Famous writer, senator, and nude model.

[Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?]
High powered corporate exec or attorney, famous writer, senator, and nude model.

[What advice would you give your freshman self?]
Your parents do not know all the answers to life, the universe, and everything and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be able to figure out your own answers.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I feel sad

It is probably just the combo of pms and pressure of coming home from an exciting trip to an overwhelming pile of work. Plus I can't drive on my ankle yet and that just didn't seem like a problem in big hotels in Vegas.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Pictures Pictures Pictures!

I've got another day of snapshots from my Vegas trip posted at now. More at this link and links to yet more . . .

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I'm back from Vegas!

I'm back from Vegas. Didja miss me ;-) Here are a few photographs sure to, uhm, entertain.

$240,000 bus story at this link and link to more pictures.

Explanation of this photo and link to more at this link.

Background and link to more pix at this link.

These are only snapshots from the first few days, so many more to come.