Saturday, October 31, 2009


  • 05:58 @pinkberryswirl I am craving a Pinkberry, yet the earliest anything near Hollywood seems to open is 9am. #
  • 06:22 @BlueBlood New NSFW post: Molly Winters on Blue Blood VIP (RT) Happy Halloween! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 05:58 @pinkberryswirl I am craving a Pinkberry, yet the earliest anything near Hollywood seems to open is 9am. #
  • 06:22 @BlueBlood New NSFW post: Molly Winters on Blue Blood VIP (RT) Happy Halloween! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Thursday, October 29, 2009


  • 05:05 @TheUnclean let's see ingested; caffeine: reloaded; porn: viewed; souls: reaped; corpses: hidden. so I guess break is over (RT) :) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 05:05 @TheUnclean let's see ingested; caffeine: reloaded; porn: viewed; souls: reaped; corpses: hidden. so I guess break is over (RT) :) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


  • 09:35 @coyoteshivers Halloween deadlines kicking my ass, but I would love love love to come hang in extremely near future! What's shaking? #
  • 09:37 @YuhmmMagazine BlueBlood Model of the Week: Stephy Slaughter (RT) Thanks :-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 09:35 @coyoteshivers Halloween deadlines kicking my ass, but I would love love love to come hang in extremely near future! What's shaking? #
  • 09:37 @YuhmmMagazine BlueBlood Model of the Week: Stephy Slaughter (RT) Thanks :-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


  • 12:05 For the record, my tweet last night was commentary on recurring themes in all media I've been coming across, not my life, thank goodness. #
  • 12:05 Although the economy could get a heck of a lot better and my general disposition might be commensurately cheered. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 12:05 For the record, my tweet last night was commentary on recurring themes in all media I've been coming across, not my life, thank goodness. #
  • 12:05 Although the economy could get a heck of a lot better and my general disposition might be commensurately cheered. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, October 26, 2009


  • 00:27 Mad Men & Dexter both tragic tonight. Is the whole world bummed on economy, frustrated w/partner & depressed? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 00:27 Mad Men & Dexter both tragic tonight. Is the whole world bummed on economy, frustrated w/partner & depressed? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, October 25, 2009


  • 13:58 @stevedietgoedde Gen X just didn't have kids. US pop is 30 mill or so fewer people now even w/longer life expects. No need for car signs. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 13:58 @stevedietgoedde Gen X just didn't have kids. US pop is 30 mill or so fewer people now even w/longer life expects. No need for car signs. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Saturday, October 24, 2009


  • 21:29 @lamaupin How can you & @faustfatale both not know who Tina Brown is? Not chick lit, the woman who brought sexy to the New Yorker. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 21:29 @lamaupin How can you & @faustfatale both not know who Tina Brown is? Not chick lit, the woman who brought sexy to the New Yorker. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cleaning My Desk

Today was kind of a frustrating day. I wish I were in a nicely appointed theme room in Las Vegas right now, scheduled to shoot photos like this one [info]forrestblack and I shot. (Also, I would like a pony, but I bet that's not gonna happen either.)

Full series of Szandora on Gothic Sluts.

I am working on cleaning my desk. Anyone who has seen my desk knows that it tends to go from pristine to needs-a-major-excavation, with little space in between. Right now, I need an effing forklift to get through all the mess on my desk.

Cleaning my desk is difficult for me, partly because I suck -- like really really really suck -- at housekeeping (except cooking) and partly because there are things on my desk which make me sad. There are sweet notes from people who are no longer with us. There are plans and to-do lists for projects which did not happen or happened and did not work out. There are folders of medical receipts totaling up to some pretty astronomical amounts. I was using a mouse pad which was cool because it was a souvenir from the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office and awful because it was a gift from someone who turned out to be totally two-faced. I happily have a nice clean new mouse pad from a business associate on my desk now.

And there is just a Mount Everest of business cards and Post-It notes and cocktail napkins with contact info for people who have moved or who I meant to get in touch with an never did. And it is really odd when I look on the dates for travel receipts and such, and some things feel like yesterday, and they were so long ago and some things feel like ancient history, but they really just happened.

Cleaning My Desk

Today was kind of a frustrating day. I wish I were in a nicely appointed theme room in Las Vegas right now, scheduled to shoot photos like this one [info]forrestblack and I shot. (Also, I would like a pony, but I bet that's not gonna happen either.)

Full series of Szandora on Gothic Sluts.

I am working on cleaning my desk. Anyone who has seen my desk knows that it tends to go from pristine to needs-a-major-excavation, with little space in between. Right now, I need an effing forklift to get through all the mess on my desk.

Cleaning my desk is difficult for me, partly because I suck -- like really really really suck -- at housekeeping (except cooking) and partly because there are things on my desk which make me sad. There are sweet notes from people who are no longer with us. There are plans and to-do lists for projects which did not happen or happened and did not work out. There are folders of medical receipts totaling up to some pretty astronomical amounts. I was using a mouse pad which was cool because it was a souvenir from the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office and awful because it was a gift from someone who turned out to be totally two-faced. I happily have a nice clean new mouse pad from a business associate on my desk now.

And there is just a Mount Everest of business cards and Post-It notes and cocktail napkins with contact info for people who have moved or who I meant to get in touch with an never did. And it is really odd when I look on the dates for travel receipts and such, and some things feel like yesterday, and they were so long ago and some things feel like ancient history, but they really just happened.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


  • 11:18 @lamaupin Did LADWP & other CA utilities change rates? I thought my oven was just broken. #
  • 11:19 @revmitcz Beyoncé says "if you like it, you should put a ring on it" - which is why I've had my dick pierced for 12yrs now (RT) LOL #
  • 11:26 Coffee smelling so good. Made nice biz deal this morn & work doesn't start for 36 min. & wk started w/such suck. Hollywood sign balcony time #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue


  • 11:18 @lamaupin Did LADWP & other CA utilities change rates? I thought my oven was just broken. #
  • 11:19 @revmitcz Beyoncé says "if you like it, you should put a ring on it" - which is why I've had my dick pierced for 12yrs now (RT) LOL #
  • 11:26 Coffee smelling so good. Made nice biz deal this morn & work doesn't start for 36 min. & wk started w/such suck. Hollywood sign balcony time #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Fetus de Milo

Blue Blood VIP updates are usually scheduled a long time in advance because it would be a heck of a lot more difficult to organize scrambling to post a varied update every day on the actual day. So today's Fetus de Milo shoot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack was set to post on October 21 quite some time ago. Oddly enough, my LJ birthday reminder popped up today to tell me that it is Fetus de Milo's birthday. What an odd little bit of synchronicity.

Happy Birthday, Fetus de Milo

Blue Blood VIP updates are usually scheduled a long time in advance because it would be a heck of a lot more difficult to organize scrambling to post a varied update every day on the actual day. So today's Fetus de Milo shoot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack was set to post on October 21 quite some time ago. Oddly enough, my LJ birthday reminder popped up today to tell me that it is Fetus de Milo's birthday. What an odd little bit of synchronicity.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


  • 20:28 @pud OH "I make it a point not to pay for conferences that *other* people pay for because *I* might be there." (RT) Amen to that. #
  • 23:52 Finally got Benadryl. Now house smells like baked potatoes. Mmmm. Not low carbing atm. Food & TiVoed Simpsons soon. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 20:28 @pud OH "I make it a point not to pay for conferences that *other* people pay for because *I* might be there." (RT) Amen to that. #
  • 23:52 Finally got Benadryl. Now house smells like baked potatoes. Mmmm. Not low carbing atm. Food & TiVoed Simpsons soon. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, October 19, 2009


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Lady

Pumpkin Lady

by Amelia G : October 17th, 2009

free pumpkin carving templates pumpkin ladyMost years, friends of mine have pumpkin carving parties. This year, the economy sucks so hard that spending a bunch of dough on squash abuse seems profligate. So I’ve been getting my jack o’lantern fix from the internet and photos of Halloweens past.

The Pumpkin Lady posts, in addition to her premium templates, free pumpkin carving templates. I admit that watching her pumpkin carving videos is not the same as the real thing, but it is still fun.

One of the supermarkets near me hasn’t been selling their pumpkins at all this year. I so deeply want to buy like a zillion of them, when they are marked down on November 1, and have Halloween late this year. And I just might get me and my unsavory pals some pumpkin carving template designs from Pumpkin Lady and do just that. If every day is Halloween anyway, that is really just . . .

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Pumpkin Lady

Pumpkin Lady

by Amelia G : October 17th, 2009

free pumpkin carving templates pumpkin ladyMost years, friends of mine have pumpkin carving parties. This year, the economy sucks so hard that spending a bunch of dough on squash abuse seems profligate. So I’ve been getting my jack o’lantern fix from the internet and photos of Halloweens past.

The Pumpkin Lady posts, in addition to her premium templates, free pumpkin carving templates. I admit that watching her pumpkin carving videos is not the same as the real thing, but it is still fun.

One of the supermarkets near me hasn’t been selling their pumpkins at all this year. I so deeply want to buy like a zillion of them, when they are marked down on November 1, and have Halloween late this year. And I just might get me and my unsavory pals some pumpkin carving template designs from Pumpkin Lady and do just that. If every day is Halloween anyway, that is really just . . .

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Models are Human Beings

Models are Human Beings

by Amelia G : October 17th, 2009

It seems like it should be unnecessary to point out that models are human beings, but a lot of people seem to have difficulty with this. Nobody is as beautiful as their best photo or as hideous as their worst. Ugly may go to the bone, but beauty is still only skin deep. All true.

The nature of digital interaction makes the relationship of humans with their images more difficult. Once upon a time, my unsavory pals and I could hang out at our punk rock group house and, if someone said a model in some of the trannie porn in our living was not feminine enough, nobody’s feelings were going to get hurt.

Today, a lot of people seem to be polarized in their responses to imagery, in particular in their responses to sexual imagery. On the one hand, there are people who callously and casually critique a model’s weight or body parts in public, even though the human being in those photos is going to see those comments. On the other hand, there are people who, on some deep lizard brain level, feel that, if they have seen someone’s hoo-ha, even someone who was paid to show it to them, that person is practically their mate.

It does not make you respectful and/or feminist, if you pathetically slavishly agree with everything someone ever says or posts because you have seen naked pictures or video of them, especially members of your gender of preference.

It does not make you intelligent/ and/or nonconformist, if you aggressively criticize all erotic media and the people who appear in it, especially members of . . .

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Models are Human Beings

Models are Human Beings

by Amelia G : October 17th, 2009

It seems like it should be unnecessary to point out that models are human beings, but a lot of people seem to have difficulty with this. Nobody is as beautiful as their best photo or as hideous as their worst. Ugly may go to the bone, but beauty is still only skin deep. All true.

The nature of digital interaction makes the relationship of humans with their images more difficult. Once upon a time, my unsavory pals and I could hang out at our punk rock group house and, if someone said a model in some of the trannie porn in our living was not feminine enough, nobody’s feelings were going to get hurt.

Today, a lot of people seem to be polarized in their responses to imagery, in particular in their responses to sexual imagery. On the one hand, there are people who callously and casually critique a model’s weight or body parts in public, even though the human being in those photos is going to see those comments. On the other hand, there are people who, on some deep lizard brain level, feel that, if they have seen someone’s hoo-ha, even someone who was paid to show it to them, that person is practically their mate.

It does not make you respectful and/or feminist, if you pathetically slavishly agree with everything someone ever says or posts because you have seen naked pictures or video of them, especially members of your gender of preference.

It does not make you intelligent/ and/or nonconformist, if you aggressively criticize all erotic media and the people who appear in it, especially members of . . .

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Gasmask Chic

[info]forrestblack and I always have fun shooting Lori the Gory. With her evil ink, she looks especially dangerously sexy in this shiny slick rubber gasmask. Forrest Black picked up the gasmask when he and Szandora went shopping at Fry's. I'm not sure if this was the usage the Fry's people had in mind, but what better intention could they have had for consumer gasmasks? Full series in the Blue Blood VIP.

Gasmask Chic

[info]forrestblack and I always have fun shooting Lori the Gory. With her evil ink, she looks especially dangerously sexy in this shiny slick rubber gasmask. Forrest Black picked up the gasmask when he and Szandora went shopping at Fry's. I'm not sure if this was the usage the Fry's people had in mind, but what better intention could they have had for consumer gasmasks? Full series in the Blue Blood VIP.


  • 18:24 @BellaVendetta66 Feel better. Maybe Monday you can call docs from phone book & avoid ridiculously pricey ER. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 18:24 @BellaVendetta66 Feel better. Maybe Monday you can call docs from phone book & avoid ridiculously pricey ER. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, October 16, 2009

Multipurpose Duct Tape

Voltaire and Scar 13 first met when Blue Blood flew them out to Vegas to do a few conventions with us. They were able to find one another on their flight even though this was (although after Forrest Black and I had first shot Voltaire) before Voltaire's first appearance in the Blue Blood VIP. They just could each tell that the other had that Blue Blood look. This set, shot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack, demonstrates that they both look gorgeous back in Los Angeles as well. That and duct tape is good for everything. But you all probably knew that about duct tape already. Full set in the Blue Blood VIP of course.

Multipurpose Duct Tape

Voltaire and Scar 13 first met when Blue Blood flew them out to Vegas to do a few conventions with us. They were able to find one another on their flight even though this was (although after Forrest Black and I had first shot Voltaire) before Voltaire's first appearance in the Blue Blood VIP. They just could each tell that the other had that Blue Blood look. This set, shot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack, demonstrates that they both look gorgeous back in Los Angeles as well. That and duct tape is good for everything. But you all probably knew that about duct tape already. Full set in the Blue Blood VIP of course.

Unsavory Pals

Unsavory Pals

by Amelia G : October 15th, 2009

sam and max video gamesLong ago, in a land far far from here, I lived in a punk rock group house with a lot of fans of Steve Purcells’ Sam and Max characters and their unsavory pals. Sam and Max was a hilariously antisocial comic strip. Assuming one thinks punk humor is hilarious and freelance talking animal police are a good source of humor.

Some time later, LucasArts decided to make a game based on the Sam and Max comics. The internet tells me that LucasArts was Steve Purcells’ day job and Sam and Max were a long-running LucasArts in-joke, which is the sort of little fun fact to know and share that tended to be unknown pre-internet. I could comment on this more, assuming I read all of the background info (which I haven’t yet), but suffice it to say that LucasArts actually made a pretty pleasingly unsavory game based on Sam and Max. The internet also tells me that the characters were eventually made into a television show which aired on a secondary FOX channel called FOX Kids. Which is weird both because it is simply weird and because I’ve never watched it, despite my affection for Sesame Street and Back at the Barnyard.

I’m excited to report that the awesome old Sam and Max comics are all back in print now. Full disclosure: the source of . . .

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Unsavory Pals

Unsavory Pals

by Amelia G : October 15th, 2009

sam and max video gamesLong ago, in a land far far from here, I lived in a punk rock group house with a lot of fans of Steve Purcells’ Sam and Max characters and their unsavory pals. Sam and Max was a hilariously antisocial comic strip. Assuming one thinks punk humor is hilarious and freelance talking animal police are a good source of humor.

Some time later, LucasArts decided to make a game based on the Sam and Max comics. The internet tells me that LucasArts was Steve Purcells’ day job and Sam and Max were a long-running LucasArts in-joke, which is the sort of little fun fact to know and share that tended to be unknown pre-internet. I could comment on this more, assuming I read all of the background info (which I haven’t yet), but suffice it to say that LucasArts actually made a pretty pleasingly unsavory game based on Sam and Max. The internet also tells me that the characters were eventually made into a television show which aired on a secondary FOX channel called FOX Kids. Which is weird both because it is simply weird and because I’ve never watched it, despite my affection for Sesame Street and Back at the Barnyard.

I’m excited to report that the awesome old Sam and Max comics are all back in print now. Full disclosure: the source of . . .

( Read more )


  • 14:21 @LAsnark Yeah, that was cool (and wet) . . . that one time. I remember. #
  • 23:22 Sam and Max is back in print! #
  • 23:23 @bloodshotpix Ya know, murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle ;-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 14:21 @LAsnark Yeah, that was cool (and wet) . . . that one time. I remember. #
  • 23:22 Sam and Max is back in print! #
  • 23:23 @bloodshotpix Ya know, murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle ;-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


  • 09:50 @chroniCAvenger Nope, email seems not to have come through. Will DM you alternative address. #
  • 12:32 RT @shitmydadsays Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser&you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you. #
  • 12:33 This is why I am always suspicious of $100 dollar bills, even tho such suspicion can be counterproductive. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 09:50 @chroniCAvenger Nope, email seems not to have come through. Will DM you alternative address. #
  • 12:32 RT @shitmydadsays Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser&you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you. #
  • 12:33 This is why I am always suspicious of $100 dollar bills, even tho such suspicion can be counterproductive. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Marge Simpson in Playboy

Marge Simpson in Playboy

by Amelia G : October 10th, 2009

nasa moon bombingSo the nice girl next door at Evergreen Terrace is going to be sort of taking it off for Playboy. A Playboy spokeswoman seems to indicate that Marge Simpson will only be showing implied nudity in her three page pictorial, despite having landed the cover of Playboy for all newsstand copies. (Subscribers will get a non-cartoon celebrity on the cover. No word on whether it is a naked celeb.) The old saying goes, implied nudity is a lot like implied food. I don’t a hundred percent agree, but it seems like doing Playboy should equal conservative nudes because that is their format. Unless Marge were just doing an interview, in which case I’m not sure about her being the sexy covergirl, much as I love The Simpsons.

I think a number of people keep saying Lois Griffin from Family Guy should do Playboy next, because they know Lois Griffin would actually show the goods. Let’s be realistic here and see that Lois Griffin would be a great fit for Hustler. Regardless, Marge Simpson doing Playboy is a very cute way to celebrate The Simpsons 20th anniversary. Yup, The Simpsons have been on the air for twenty years.

Playboy CEO Scott Flanders, who replace Hugh Hefner offspring Christie Hefner this summer, states that he is really excited about having a cartoon on the cover . . .

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Marge Simpson in Playboy

Marge Simpson in Playboy

by Amelia G : October 10th, 2009

nasa moon bombingSo the nice girl next door at Evergreen Terrace is going to be sort of taking it off for Playboy. A Playboy spokeswoman seems to indicate that Marge Simpson will only be showing implied nudity in her three page pictorial, despite having landed the cover of Playboy for all newsstand copies. (Subscribers will get a non-cartoon celebrity on the cover. No word on whether it is a naked celeb.) The old saying goes, implied nudity is a lot like implied food. I don’t a hundred percent agree, but it seems like doing Playboy should equal conservative nudes because that is their format. Unless Marge were just doing an interview, in which case I’m not sure about her being the sexy covergirl, much as I love The Simpsons.

I think a number of people keep saying Lois Griffin from Family Guy should do Playboy next, because they know Lois Griffin would actually show the goods. Let’s be realistic here and see that Lois Griffin would be a great fit for Hustler. Regardless, Marge Simpson doing Playboy is a very cute way to celebrate The Simpsons 20th anniversary. Yup, The Simpsons have been on the air for twenty years.

Playboy CEO Scott Flanders, who replace Hugh Hefner offspring Christie Hefner this summer, states that he is really excited about having a cartoon on the cover . . .

( Read more )

Circus Clown to NASA: Bomb Moon, NASA: Okay

Circus Clown to NASA: Bomb Moon, NASA: Okay

by Amelia G : October 9th, 2009

nasa moon bombingI’ve now had time to sleep on it and reflect on NASA bombing the moon and I think it is okay in an Armageddon sort of way. I mean, I can accept all sorts of awful hardships in my own life, so long as they make a good story later. Why should I hold nation states to a higher standard?

NASA decided it would be awesome to bomb the moon, because a circus clown told them it would be a green thing to do, as the world needs clean water. Not just any circus clown though. A circus clown who is into acrobatics and very very very rich. All totally logical. If a writer pitched Batman having to stop the Joker from putting explosives on the moon, the idea would be dismissed as too ridiculous. Allow me to recap: NASA IS BOMBING THE MOON BECAUSE A CIRCUS CLOWN TOLD THEM TO. To discover ice water humanity already knows is there. Toss in double digit unemployment, the meltdown of much of the world’s economy, record bankruptcies, record foreclosures, banks and insurance companies looting the United States Treasury among others, the hunting of albinos, and various atrocities around the globe and you’ve got a cyberpunk noir too dark and too implausible to sell to any publisher.

Speaking of water, the Mayans were innovators in plumbing, built ground level aqueducts . . .

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Circus Clown to NASA: Bomb Moon, NASA: Okay

Circus Clown to NASA: Bomb Moon, NASA: Okay

by Amelia G : October 9th, 2009

nasa moon bombingI’ve now had time to sleep on it and reflect on NASA bombing the moon and I think it is okay in an Armageddon sort of way. I mean, I can accept all sorts of awful hardships in my own life, so long as they make a good story later. Why should I hold nation states to a higher standard?

NASA decided it would be awesome to bomb the moon, because a circus clown told them it would be a green thing to do, as the world needs clean water. Not just any circus clown though. A circus clown who is into acrobatics and very very very rich. All totally logical. If a writer pitched Batman having to stop the Joker from putting explosives on the moon, the idea would be dismissed as too ridiculous. Allow me to recap: NASA IS BOMBING THE MOON BECAUSE A CIRCUS CLOWN TOLD THEM TO. To discover ice water humanity already knows is there. Toss in double digit unemployment, the meltdown of much of the world’s economy, record bankruptcies, record foreclosures, banks and insurance companies looting the United States Treasury among others, the hunting of albinos, and various atrocities around the globe and you’ve got a cyberpunk noir too dark and too implausible to sell to any publisher.

Speaking of water, the Mayans were innovators in plumbing, built ground level aqueducts . . .

( Read more )

Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists

Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists

by Amelia G : October 12th, 2009

seo spammers evildoers opportunistsEdit: I was just feeling glum because someone I respect wrote something I wish were true, which I do not believe is true. I don’t feel like I was able to fully express my thoughts on this.

Full disclosure: Bing is an advertiser on, yet does not on the first dozen pages of search results for a search on Blue Blood. SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is internet professional lingo for the process by which someone expert in this area would attempt to fix Bing’s search results so they would no longer be defective in this regard.

I’ve been really bummed out all day because of something Derek Powazek wrote. (Also, I made the mistake of watching this week’s brilliant but melancholy Mad Men on TiVo to snap myself out of it. Doh.) Halcyon first turned me on to Derek Powazek’s writing. Derek Powazek tends to write useful articles about how to make good web sites. He has an engaging style and manages to speak clear tech talk. I think we shook hands once at an event, but we do not know each other; I’m just a fan.

Entertainment industry professionals always used to joke with me and Forrest Black about Blue Blood in print being the “trade mag of cool”, maybe because we always found the next big thing and provided contact . . .

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Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists

Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists

by Amelia G : October 12th, 2009

seo spammers evildoers opportunistsEdit: I was just feeling glum because someone I respect wrote something I wish were true, which I do not believe is true. I don’t feel like I was able to fully express my thoughts on this.

Full disclosure: Bing is an advertiser on, yet does not on the first dozen pages of search results for a search on Blue Blood. SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is internet professional lingo for the process by which someone expert in this area would attempt to fix Bing’s search results so they would no longer be defective in this regard.

I’ve been really bummed out all day because of something Derek Powazek wrote. (Also, I made the mistake of watching this week’s brilliant but melancholy Mad Men on TiVo to snap myself out of it. Doh.) Halcyon first turned me on to Derek Powazek’s writing. Derek Powazek tends to write useful articles about how to make good web sites. He has an engaging style and manages to speak clear tech talk. I think we shook hands once at an event, but we do not know each other; I’m just a fan.

Entertainment industry professionals always used to joke with me and Forrest Black about Blue Blood in print being the “trade mag of cool”, maybe because we always found the next big thing and provided contact . . .

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This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Possessed Smile

[info]forrestblack and I always like to photograph smiles. Sometimes I find that certain sorts of models will apologize for smiling. Happily Jax makes no apologies for her grin. We've shot a lot of kind of refined-looking smiles on Jax, but this one is particularly delightfully possessed-looking I think. The whole set this shot is from posted to the Blue Blood VIP today.

Possessed Smile

[info]forrestblack and I always like to photograph smiles. Sometimes I find that certain sorts of models will apologize for smiling. Happily Jax makes no apologies for her grin. We've shot a lot of kind of refined-looking smiles on Jax, but this one is particularly delightfully possessed-looking I think. The whole set this shot is from posted to the Blue Blood VIP today.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Red Latex Bondage Tape

[info]forrestblack and I often come up with shoot ideas to justify goofy fun purchases. In this case, we were very amused by the idea of latex bondage tape, which is basically brightly colored Saran Wrap for people. So we figured red hair on Yolanda and red hair on Szandora meant they would color coordinate nicely with red bondage tape. Szandora's flexibility and double-jointed limbs are always a plus for bondage, and her topping from the bottom -- harder, harder, tighter, tighter -- is always entertaining.

Tech tip: Yolanda dyed her hair a slightly different shade of red right before the shoot, but a bit of playing with the hue function in Photoshop keeps it all looking relatively of a piece.

Full series in the Blue Blood VIP.

Red Latex Bondage Tape

[info]forrestblack and I often come up with shoot ideas to justify goofy fun purchases. In this case, we were very amused by the idea of latex bondage tape, which is basically brightly colored Saran Wrap for people. So we figured red hair on Yolanda and red hair on Szandora meant they would color coordinate nicely with red bondage tape. Szandora's flexibility and double-jointed limbs are always a plus for bondage, and her topping from the bottom -- harder, harder, tighter, tighter -- is always entertaining.

Tech tip: Yolanda dyed her hair a slightly different shade of red right before the shoot, but a bit of playing with the hue function in Photoshop keeps it all looking relatively of a piece.

Full series in the Blue Blood VIP.


  • 11:45 @Very_Wiley How's my mood this morning? Let me draw you a picture. (RT) LOL #
  • 19:48 SFW blog post re:shooting the NSFW @SydBlakovich & @jizlee #
  • 20:33 @jonnodotcom Awesome that that's a real Sesame Street Mad Men. Then again they did have DeNiro teach Elmo how to pretend to be a Taxi Driver #
  • 20:34 @SydBlakovich Yay! I'm so glad you like the shots. I was nervous to show them. #
  • 20:34 @jizlee Double yay! #
  • 20:37 Okay, seriously, we're trying to start a war with the moon now too? WTF? #
  • 21:14 Thanks NASA & Goodnight @BlueBlood New SFW post: Are we trying to start a war with the moon? (RT) #
  • 21:14 @raquelita ...AND there’s a spanking booth for charity. (RT) Awesome! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 11:45 @Very_Wiley How's my mood this morning? Let me draw you a picture. (RT) LOL #
  • 19:48 SFW blog post re:shooting the NSFW @SydBlakovich & @jizlee #
  • 20:33 @jonnodotcom Awesome that that's a real Sesame Street Mad Men. Then again they did have DeNiro teach Elmo how to pretend to be a Taxi Driver #
  • 20:34 @SydBlakovich Yay! I'm so glad you like the shots. I was nervous to show them. #
  • 20:34 @jizlee Double yay! #
  • 20:37 Okay, seriously, we're trying to start a war with the moon now too? WTF? #
  • 21:14 Thanks NASA & Goodnight @BlueBlood New SFW post: Are we trying to start a war with the moon? (RT) #
  • 21:14 @raquelita ...AND there’s a spanking booth for charity. (RT) Awesome! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Are we trying to start a war with the moon?

Are we trying to start a war with the moon?

by Amelia G : October 8th, 2009

nasa moon bombingI hope we have recreational space travel within my lifetime. And I’d kind of prefer it if all the extraterrestrials didn’t hate Americans by the time that happens.

When I went to high school in Germany, my (brief) boyfriend at the time was beaten up by protesters during anti-American missile riots. His father actually was a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, but the pacifists clocked him for a beating because he was hanging out with someone whose parents were attached to an African embassy. Although the hilarious irony of getting his ass kicked by pacifists was lost on their victim, the fact that Americans don’t always exactly get the benefit of the doubt abroad really is kind of a drag.

This weekend, NASA TV will be rebroadcasting an event they did today to raise awareness of the need for clean water. Guy Laliberte, founder of — wait for it — Cirque de Soleil, spent some time on the space station to put this fiesta together and other celeb participants included “former Vice President Al Gore, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Julie Payette, actress Salma Hayek and singers Shakira and Bono.”

But the salient point here is that WE JUST BOMBED THE MOTHERFUCKING MOON! In theory, the idea was to check whether the moon has water we could utilize. Presumably by bombing it. According to multiple accounts . . .

( Read more )

Are we trying to start a war with the moon?

Are we trying to start a war with the moon?

by Amelia G : October 8th, 2009

nasa moon bombingI hope we have recreational space travel within my lifetime. And I’d kind of prefer it if all the extraterrestrials didn’t hate Americans by the time that happens.

When I went to high school in Germany, my (brief) boyfriend at the time was beaten up by protesters during anti-American missile riots. His father actually was a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, but the pacifists clocked him for a beating because he was hanging out with someone whose parents were attached to an African embassy. Although the hilarious irony of getting his ass kicked by pacifists was lost on their victim, the fact that Americans don’t always exactly get the benefit of the doubt abroad really is kind of a drag.

This weekend, NASA TV will be rebroadcasting an event they did today to raise awareness of the need for clean water. Guy Laliberte, founder of — wait for it — Cirque de Soleil, spent some time on the space station to put this fiesta together and other celeb participants included “former Vice President Al Gore, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Julie Payette, actress Salma Hayek and singers Shakira and Bono.”

But the salient point here is that WE JUST BOMBED THE MOTHERFUCKING MOON! In theory, the idea was to check whether the moon has water we could utilize. Presumably by bombing it. According to multiple accounts . . .

( Read more )

The Liminal Nature of Photo Shoot Prep or Syd Blakovich and Jiz Lee are Super Hot

It is a glowing testament to the awesomeness of Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich that this shoot turned out great. I hope to photograph them both again soon.

The prep for this was pretty much cursed.

Syd is a bit of a gladiator, so my initial concept was to put the two of them in armor with swords. A guy I'd done a lot of favors for in the past, and gotten armor from in the past, told me that he completely had stuff that would be perfect for the dancer body types I described to him. It turned out that the only stuff he had was some embarrassingly awful half-assed stuff he had made for Britney Spears' back-up dancers . . . which the Britney Spears people had hated so much they stopped working with the guy. There was no way I was putting Syd or Jiz in those defective outfits, but it had been a couple years since I last got armor from this particular source and I don't think he'd cleaned his studio in the intervening time. He was hyperventilating about something or other and so I looked through the armor myself and had an allergic reaction to the filth. It was all sort of tragic and I was going to just get a couple pieces and see if I could put something together with some mismatched stuff and then the guy all of a sudden wants a totally ridiculous price and gets really aggro and tells me he is having a very bad day. I try not to take my bad days out on other people, so that hurt my feelings, especially as I was kinda pulling stuff at this point to be polite. So I decided to skip the whole mess.

Then part of the camera broke when I took it out of the bag at the location.

All of which I would have taken as a bad omen and called it a day under many circumstances, but I was really excited to shoot Syd Blakovich and Jiz Lee and we met for coffee beforehand and I just felt like we were creatively on the same page. And, of course, there is the part where they are both ridiculously gorgeous. So [info]forrestblack and I still did the shoot. As an artist, I could fret about this or that which is marginally different from whatever, but everything turned out really terrific. Sometimes what a shoot seems like it will be in the prep stage evolves into something different yet excellent as various factors play out and as part of the collaborative process of shooting.

This is a shot from the first set of Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich for the Blue Blood VIP. You can check out this free Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich gallery. More updates of them to come, plus a video interview about their Twincest art project.

The Liminal Nature of Photo Shoot Prep or Syd Blakovich and Jiz Lee are Super Hot

It is a glowing testament to the awesomeness of Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich that this shoot turned out great. I hope to photograph them both again soon.

The prep for this was pretty much cursed.

Syd is a bit of a gladiator, so my initial concept was to put the two of them in armor with swords. A guy I'd done a lot of favors for in the past, and gotten armor from in the past, told me that he completely had stuff that would be perfect for the dancer body types I described to him. It turned out that the only stuff he had was some embarrassingly awful half-assed stuff he had made for Britney Spears' back-up dancers . . . which the Britney Spears people had hated so much they stopped working with the guy. There was no way I was putting Syd or Jiz in those defective outfits, but it had been a couple years since I last got armor from this particular source and I don't think he'd cleaned his studio in the intervening time. He was hyperventilating about something or other and so I looked through the armor myself and had an allergic reaction to the filth. It was all sort of tragic and I was going to just get a couple pieces and see if I could put something together with some mismatched stuff and then the guy all of a sudden wants a totally ridiculous price and gets really aggro and tells me he is having a very bad day. I try not to take my bad days out on other people, so that hurt my feelings, especially as I was kinda pulling stuff at this point to be polite. So I decided to skip the whole mess.

Then part of the camera broke when I took it out of the bag at the location.

All of which I would have taken as a bad omen and called it a day under many circumstances, but I was really excited to shoot Syd Blakovich and Jiz Lee and we met for coffee beforehand and I just felt like we were creatively on the same page. And, of course, there is the part where they are both ridiculously gorgeous. So [info]forrestblack and I still did the shoot. As an artist, I could fret about this or that which is marginally different from whatever, but everything turned out really terrific. Sometimes what a shoot seems like it will be in the prep stage evolves into something different yet excellent as various factors play out and as part of the collaborative process of shooting.

This is a shot from the first set of Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich for the Blue Blood VIP. You can check out this free Jiz Lee and Syd Blakovich gallery. More updates of them to come, plus a video interview about their Twincest art project.


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  • 12:30 Who likes handjobs? RT @BlueBlood New NSFW post: Lexi Belle on The Handjob Site #
  • 14:12 @V6ughn I really like giving & receiving manual sex a lot, but folks split on whether that's for HS or awesome. #
  • 17:47 @duckydoo black panties #
  • 20:21 Excited first set Forrest Black & I shot of ridiculously gorgeous Syd Blakovich & Jiz Lee just posted to #
  • 20:24 Want to make photo post, write about shooting Jiz & Syd,
    post Pandorum coverage, zillion other things. Exhausted discouraged vibe. TV & bed. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


  • 01:45 Sometimes I worry that I've been distracted from what matters at crucial moments & what if now is too late? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 01:45 Sometimes I worry that I've been distracted from what matters at crucial moments & what if now is too late? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, October 05, 2009

Do you think albino is hot?

Do you think albino is hot?

by Amelia G : October 2nd, 2009

albino modelI once melted off various chunks of my hair because I wanted to have white stripes in it and was chatting with a friend while leaving 40 volume bleach in my hair extra-long. Parts of my hair were literally reduced to mush. Fortunately, I have thick hair to begin with and I was wearing it in stripes anyway, so it didn’t look as disturbing as it might have otherwise.

My best friend in ninth grade had naturally platinum blonde hair and I saw Heavy Metal that same year. Seeing white-tressed Tarna chopping off heads in her leather underwear was a formative moment for me. Whenever there is a real albino in a movie with humans (as opposed to cartoons), they often end up being a villain. I think the whole lack of pigment thing strikes some people in a primal off-kilter way which makes them associate it with danger.

Punk rock hairstyles are partially based on trying to evoke this response in others. I know, I know, you have a blue mohawk solely because you like how it looks, and you totally hate it when anyone stares at you in the street or when you frighten annoying passers-by or when anyone thinks it is sexy.

Maybe I wouldn’t have a thing for dangerously sexy if I hadn’t seen Heavy Metal when I did. But, not a lot of English language movies . . .

( Read more )

Do you think albino is hot?

Do you think albino is hot?

by Amelia G : October 2nd, 2009

albino modelI once melted off various chunks of my hair because I wanted to have white stripes in it and was chatting with a friend while leaving 40 volume bleach in my hair extra-long. Parts of my hair were literally reduced to mush. Fortunately, I have thick hair to begin with and I was wearing it in stripes anyway, so it didn’t look as disturbing as it might have otherwise.

My best friend in ninth grade had naturally platinum blonde hair and I saw Heavy Metal that same year. Seeing white-tressed Tarna chopping off heads in her leather underwear was a formative moment for me. Whenever there is a real albino in a movie with humans (as opposed to cartoons), they often end up being a villain. I think the whole lack of pigment thing strikes some people in a primal off-kilter way which makes them associate it with danger.

Punk rock hairstyles are partially based on trying to evoke this response in others. I know, I know, you have a blue mohawk solely because you like how it looks, and you totally hate it when anyone stares at you in the street or when you frighten annoying passers-by or when anyone thinks it is sexy.

Maybe I wouldn’t have a thing for dangerously sexy if I hadn’t seen Heavy Metal when I did. But, not a lot of English language movies . . .

( Read more )

Vampire Diaries

Vampire Diaries

by Amelia G : October 1st, 2009

vampire diariesVampire Diaries is most likely the single worst program I have ever watched an entire episode of. No close second place.

Longtime Blue Blood readers are probably aware that I find vampire legends so compelling that I wrote my thesis on how they function as a paradigm for human sexuality. You are probably also aware that I thought Twilight was great. I have no objection to either love or wholesomeness and most of the people who hate Twilight soooooooo much haven’t seen it. So the pain in my temples produced by watching Vampire Diaries had nothing to do with any problem with vampires being teen fare or not being sufficiently horror genre or anything like that.

Vampire Diaries sucks because, first of all, all the characters read too old to be in high school. It is impossible to keep track from casting, styling, or acting which characters are supposed to be younger or older than one another. They are all extremely poised, perfectly coiffed, and apparently have no parental supervision or annoyance of any kind. Their main hangout looks like a bar. The female characters all approach sex like aging cougar divorcees or at least very very very jaded twenty-somethings.

When I was in high school, not only did I run with a fast crowd, but most of us had diplomatic immunity and knew that there would be no legal . . .

( Read more )

Procacity of Google, Superfetation

Procacity of Google, Superfetation

by Amelia G : September 30th, 2009

blasphemy day devil girlProcacity is defined as “Forwardness; pertness; petulance” by Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary. “Impudence” is an alternate word choice for expressing the meaning of procacity. Although the thesaurus does not list procacity, there are a number of synonyms for impudence, including audacity, brass, brassiness, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, impertinence, insolence, rudeness, and sass.

I usually think I’ve got a pretty good-sized vocabulary, but I admit I just had to look up what procacity meant. My FireFox spellchecker does not even think procacity is a real word. Weirdly, however, the #1 most searched term on Google right now is procacity. The only thing I can guess is that maybe this has something to do with Blasphemy Day and some believers describe blasphemers as impudent. So maybe procacity is like impudence, only more so? At any rate, Google currently states that the search hotness of procacity is volcanic and it is #1 out of the 100 most popular searches in the past hour.

The odd thing is that Google has only this week taken to listing only their top 40 searches, rather than previous much higher trends lists. So, in current Google terms, it seems like it would make sense to say procacity is #1 of 40. I wish Google would go back to their old format for trendspotting. September 28, Google launched OneBox, a service which tells you if . . .

( Read more )

If you can read this, I must be drunk

Today's Blue Blood VIP update is a series Forrest Black and I shot of Rachel Face at the Jockey Club. I feel like it really gives a sense of what it is like to drink with Rachel. Fun and dangerous and don't ever forget that that tummy tattoo reads, "Hell hath no fury like a woman who will blow out your brains." And the legend on her panties says, "If you can read this, I must be drunk." We actually weren't drunk that night, but she still looked awesome brandishing a Pabst in those undies.

Rachel Face photographed by Forrest Black and Amelia G


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, October 04, 2009


  • 20:59 Fireworks over Hollywood Bowl pretty! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Saturday, October 03, 2009


  • 23:11 JAG, MK sends his best & says you're a vagina for not being here #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, October 02, 2009


  • 08:31 @larrybobsf I hope the answer is A LOT of paper, zines & books or I am totally effing doing it wrong. Good luck. #
  • 18:44 @Mugs Renting a dumpster? #
  • 20:02 Vampire Diaries Worst show ever. #
  • 02:55 @chroniCAvenger Did you take that pic? It's pretty. #
  • 02:55 @Sarah_MaxCash Generally a bad sign. Hope you feel better. #
  • 07:03
    @KellieLaplegua texted you address for La Luz de Jesus. I plan to get to gallery show around 9pm-ish. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood