Friday, December 31, 2010

Backstage Passes Gets Good Press from Erotica Readers Association and is a Dark Delicacies Bestselle

Backstage Passes Gets Good Press from Erotica Readers Association and is a Dark Delicacies Bestseller

by Amelia G : December 31st, 2010

As the year draws to a close, I am pleased to share that Backstage Passes has been a Dark Delicacies Bestseller. Dark Delicacies is perhaps the most famous horror books store in the world. For those of you in Southern California who would rather pick the book up in person, you can stop by the following address for a truly remarkable selection:

Dark Delicacies
3512 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91505

Kathleen Bradean, writing for the Erotica Readers & Writers Association, writes:

Stories like these still have the ability to confront and arouse. They may take you beyond your comfort zone. If the erotica you’ve read lately seems a little too safe, this is the anthology for you.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble online both have Backstage Passes on super sale for the end of the year. Check out the book links at Blue Blood Books for some great deals. Thanks everybody and have a great New Years!

backstage passes an anthology of rock and roll erotica from the pages of blue blood

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Los Angeles Noir (PICS)

These palm trees and city lights, under a menacing sky, are the view from my balcony in Hollywood right now. This shot only begins to show the roiling black clouds, like a powerful wizard is about to do something unusual to Los Angeles. Went hiking earlier today with Forrest Black and got totally soaked. The park was so empty and beautiful. There was one rugged soul out there with a camera on tripod trying to shoot the fog. And one woman in really nice boots, not shoes for walking in mud at all, much better suited for neon-lit and preferably not rain-soaked streets. My own personal, delightfully damp Los Angeles noir.

los angeles noir rain soaked streets and palm trees

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repealed

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repealed

by Amelia G : December 18th, 2010

It has been a really really really good news week.

First of all, the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, or DADT, was repealed. For those of you who have been living in a cave, because you hate our way of life, DADT was a Clinton-era piece of legislation. DADT was designed to make it comfortable for everyone for homosexuals to serve in the military. The idea was basically that there would be no discrimination, but there would also be no pride parades or other flaunting of sexuality to disturb the sensibilities of the apparently sensitive US troops.

Alexander the Great had sex with both men and women and he managed to conquer Afghanistan. But I digress.

At any rate, the DADT policy tended to be enforced as, if a man of woman didn’t manage to serve in a 100% closeted way, like if anyone could figure out their sexual orientation and it wasn’t 100% straight, then gays and lesbians would get the boot. So it is good news that DADT has been repealed. Ya know, because it was poorly conceived, useless, and immoral. Just that. Otherwise, it was awesome.

i want you for the us army uncle sam poster

I do wish that the coverage of the repeal was less partisan. You can see the precise breakdown, of who voted which way and who blew off voting on . . .

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Forrest Black BOOM Holiday Party

Happy Birthday Forrest Black BOOM Holiday Party

by Amelia G : December 13th, 2010

If you are in Los Angeles and looking for something to do tonight (or just interested in stalking me), I plan to be at the BOOM Comics holiday party at Meltdown Comics this evening.

BOOM Holiday Party 2010 Meltdown Comics

Beforehand, I am going to learn to make red velvet cake because it is Forrest Black’s birthday. Red velvet cake has all sorts of weird non-cakelike ingredients. These include, but are not limited to, buttermilk, vinegar, and cream cheese. Everyone wish Forrest Black a happy birthday . . .

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Yolanda Fuzzy Piggies Slippers (PICS)

I'm sitting here wearing fuzzy tiger paw slippers, in honor of the extremely brief winteresque time period in Hollywood. So it seems only fitting to post this series including Yolanda showing off her fuzzy pink piggies slippers. Forrest Black and I had the pleasure of shooting a few sets with Yolanda in her living room, on this particular day. We shot everything standard high saturation film, cross-processed film, and digital. The digital appears to be corrupt, but I'm pleased to share the film with you all. This is the more standard film process and I'll post some crossed stuff later as well, which should be especially interesting for the photographers among y'all. Whole series in the Blue Blood VIP as always.

yolanda fuzzy piggies photography by amelia g and forrest black for blue blood

Rose of No Man’s Land by Michelle Tea

Rose of No Man’s Land by Michelle Tea

by Amelia G : December 3rd, 2010

Michelle Tea is one of those special writers whose work fills you with an aching longing for her character. You can’t help falling in love with them.

Much of what I’ve read of Michelle Tea’s in the past was memoir, but Rose of No Man’s Land is a coming of age novel. For some reason, this book did not come up on my radar when it was released in 2005, although I’ve liked what Michelle Tea does ever since she and I were both presenters at the Firecracker Book Awards and she yelled, “cunt”, really loud from the stage. (It was relevant to what she was presenting an award for, but still.) As the main character Trisha Driscoll is fifteen, I suppose this book is more or less YA, so that is probably why I did not notice its release.

Rose of No Man’s Land is brilliant. A really perfect, elegantly plotted story about a pivotal day in the life of a teenage girl in suburban nowheresville Massachusetts. For some reason, the publishing world puts out gritty realistic bildungsromans for straight boys and queer girls, complete with sexuality, alcohol, and maybe even drugs and disrespect for authority.

michelle tea rose of no man's land

They publishing world seems to just hope straight girls will read Twilight and wait for a man to give them personality. But that is a feminist diatribe for another day.

Rose of No Man’s land is a really enjoyable read. It vividly calls up that combined teenage ennui and lust for adventure, the struggle to parse the alien . . .

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