Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sucker Punch Rejected Geek Rage Contender for Worst Movie Ever

Sucker Punch Rejected Geek Rage Contender for Worst Movie Ever

by Amelia G : March 29th, 2011

sucker punch

When the Sucker Punch billboards first went up in my neighborhood, I felt conflicted. It seemed, on the face of it, to have a decent checklist of things I would like in a movie, but I instinctively lizard-brain hated it. Upon reflection and now that the uniformly negative reviews of the movie are in, here is the problem with media like Sucker Punch.

I might be a little unusual, a little bohemian, artistically-oriented, and a bit disenfranchised. Sometimes the nail which sticks out gets hammered down. Anyone who is a bit different from the norm has most likely experienced being hammered down at some point. (Disclaimer: I would point out that I am about to post a spoiler, but it is impossible to spoil a movie as cynically bad as Sucker Punch.) It doesn’t take an insightful genius to figure out that someone with purple hair might not have sailed through life 100% effortlessly, but having others attempt to hammer one down is not what makes an unusual person interesting. Sucker Punch panders to victims and tries to sell their victimhood back to them. Being unusual doesn’t mean you should embrace victimhood. Ew.

The gist of the movie is that this altporn-looking chick is unfairly institutionalized and scheduled for a lobotomy, in order to rob her of her birthright. So the altporn-looking chick fantasizes that she is actually some sort of stripping prostitute and not a mental patient. Then, when her stripper whore held prisoner in a brothel fantasy gets too sexually specific, she fantasizes that she is a hero in a video game. She is given a quest. Her questmates are raped, tortured, and/or killed. Then the altporn-looking chick hero is lobotomized. But, see, she is still free in her fantasy life, so it is a happy ending. Because chicks, especially alt-y looking ones, cannot change anything or make any kind of difference, even in their own lives, but fantasy can ease our pain.

Uhm, seriously, fuck you, Zack Snyder. Fuck you and fuck the cynical studio that backed this travesty. I note that opening weekend grossed less than $20 million, so I sincerely hope that Sucker Punch’s $82 million dollar production budget is a fiscal sucking chest wound.

It is unusual to find a movie with as consistently terrible reviews as Sucker Punch. It is amusing to . . .

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Gothic.net Party Red Carpet Pics

From Gothic.net -- lots more pics at the site . . .

Gothic.net Party Red Carpet Pics

Monday, March 21st, 2011 | Filed under Events,Headline,Horror,Images | Posted by Gothic.net

Everyone at Gothic.net HQ West Coast Division is still recovering from Saturday night. The party to celebrate the newest Gothic.net site design was a smashing success. Luminaries in attendance included writers Maria Alexander, Gram Ponante, and Richard Dean Starr, dark artists Forrest Black, Carlos Batts, and Tim Sin, nightclub impressario Tricia LaBelle, superstar Blue Blood beauty April Flores, Blue Blood costume babe Diana Knight, OG Blue Blood model Daniel Ian Essex of the Astrovamps, media mogul Amelia G, and a rogue’s gallery of other cool creative people. Party-goers enjoyed the giveaways generously provided by BOOM! Studios (including exclusive pre-release copies of their new Clive Barker Hellraiser comic.) The bands The Tragic Tantrum and Mather Louth and Radio Noir and deejays John C & Amanda Jones kept it spooky and fun all night long. Check out the pics from the red carpet, shot by Tim Sin and Amelia G for your viewing pleasure:

( lots more pics after the jump )

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gothic.net Party 18+, Art Show, BOOM! Studios Giveaways

Gothic.net Party 18+, Art Show, BOOM! Studios Giveaways

Saturday, March 19th, 2011 | Filed under Books,Events,Headline</span> | Posted by Gothic.net

boom studios gothic.net party giveaways

Nineteen Eight hour countdown to the Gothic.net party tonight! </p>

A few more kickass things:

The event is 18+ (not 21+), which means you only have to be eighteen-years-old to attend. One of the reasons for holding the party at this venue is that they are extra-cool about this.

Blue Blood’s Forrest Black and Amelia G will be doing a digital gallery show. The artwork projected on the walls will be portraiture of many denizens of the dark and fabulous, some of whom will be in attendance.

BOOM! Studios has given us a ton of great books giveaways. There is stuff from a number of their darker lines, including the 28 Days Later series, the Cthulu Tales series, Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, and . . . [drum roll please!] issue #1 of the new Clive Barker Hellraiser comic. That’s right! Clive Barker is doing a new Hellraiser story in comic book form. There are multiple cover designs, one with art by Clive Barker, one with work by Tim Bradstreet, and one by Nick Percival. The Hellraiser comic books are not available in stores until Wednesday, but a couple dozen lucky Gothic.net VIPs are going to get a copy of issue number one at the Gothic.net party. Clive Barker + Hellraiser + issue #1 = a very cool collectible . . .

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gothic.net Party!

Gothic.net Party!

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
Filed under Events,Headline,Horror</span> |

Thursday, March 03, 2011


These are the Tweets of the Starship Amelia G from Blue Blood.