Sunday, February 02, 2003

Since my LJ got suspended, I've been feeling a little disconnected in the online world, so I've been yakking a bunch on various boards, in particular this one really addictive adult webmaster board. I think it is poetically beautiful that someone who feels competitive with me from a business perspective forced me to do more online business interaction in place of my social online interaction. It has actually been pretty fun to talk to other people who know about some of that stuff. It is only part of what I do, even though the competive jerks put everything they have into their sites. Because the webmaster types I know in real life are all inclined to do things like brag aggressively about how they are so huge they get a thousand visitors . . . a month, it has been really nice to talk to people who understand the weirdness of trying to think of ways to promote your site at 3am when you have insomnia, but who do not really get my fetishes for the most part. A guy on one board said, trying to be helpful, that he thought Gothic Sluts was just too "abstract a concept." hee hee

--Amelia G