Thursday, June 05, 2003

I Don't Like Mondays

I just saw some knob on a message board saying that media coverage of school shooting must be down because emo was becoming more popular than goth and kids were taking more Zoloft.

I know I shouldn't take the bait on this, but I must vent:

The kids who shot things up in Columbine did not consider themselves gothic. They did not like gothic music. They did not dress in gothic fashions. They did not like Marilyn Manson.

They were given prescription medications by supposedly trained psych professionals.

The media just felt that calling it a gothic mansonite plot would be easier for the average person to get his or her brain around than explaining complex subcultural issues. Now the public is bored of hearing about pissed-off school kids so the media is covering something else.

People's ignorance on the topic makes me want to listen to Dashboard Confessional and shoot people.