Thursday, June 17, 2004

La La

So I had to go to two different doctors in Beverly Hills today. One suggested a fifteen thousand dollar treatment which would involve injecting myself. I didn't roll with that plan. My ankle hurts like a bitch from driving, although at least driving is doable with a brace now.

Updated some of the links on BLT:::Black Leather Times today. Much needed fixes there. Knocked the last of the banners out of ad rotation from a company which screwed over a friend of mine.

Entertainingly, the top Google searches last month for BLT:::Black Leather Times were:

Thanks to the folks who responded to my where-the-fuck-am-I-at post, especially the ones who know me and know what I can do. Sometimes the level of suckiness of my fellow man makes me think I took the wrong path. But it really wasn't all a fucking accident and I just need to stop letting other people take what is mine. There are plenty of cool and appreciative and enjoyable people on the planet and I actually come in contact with a lot of them.

I just got an awful lot of news about various icky shenanigans this past month which I would have preferred not to know, but forewarned is a good thing I suppose. And, ironically, I do often do best when other people fuck with me because otherwise I think it is possible to slide into an adequate situation instead of an excellent one. And I just prefer the excelling thang. Shifting some stuff around and feeling darn good about it. Very optimistic. Got some updates for almost ready to go live. Going to take some Advil for my ankle now though.