Sunday, July 31, 2005

One more pic and then I get back to work . . .

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Sexy Fandom & Other Photo News

Oh yeah, couple cool news things:

Forrest Black and I shot the image for the new flyer for Sexy Fandom with Molly Case

Also shot the cover of the new On Our Backs and the cover of the new Spread, plus some stuff for Girlfriends and Marquis and some other stuff I'm not thinking of right now. We are all over the newsstand right now. I love print and I especially love magazines.


Okay, I haven't been updating this thing much lately. Been crazy busy and kind of jacked up my ankle again to boot. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'm going to post some picture updates today and try to post more words later. Got a magazine deadline I need to make which I am procrastinating, even as I post this...

This shot is a sample from the most recent update to Blue Blood's Gothic Sluts. This is from one of the shoots Forrest and I did on our most recent East Coast trip. I miss some things about the East Coast more than I knew. And I knew I missed some stuff as it was beforehand. Good friends who actually know me, people who read, beautiful wedding, higher education.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Comic Con & Email

Okay, I spent this weekend mostly dealing with computer headaches.

I missed three parties and a gallery show. I had to cancel dinner with friends. I didn't get my laundry done.

I did get the computer problems fixed. I did get a great haircut. I did get a combo housesitter and computer babysitter.

I am shooting every day for the next week. I am going to Comic Con. I am leaving momentarily.

If I am shooting you, you have my cell number. If you emailed, odds are good I didn't get it with the computer problems I've been dealing with. Usually, I am a digital girl, but please phone in this instance.

If you emailed me something which can wait a couple days, odds are good I didn't get it and it would be great if you could please email me again on Monday or Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Whoo-hoo! I'm going to have fun at Comic Con! (Assuming I can get it together to get my laundry done.)

This picture is from the last San Diego event thrown by the folks who are doing the Saturday shindig at the convention.

<< Click here for an article about it and another pic>>