Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I ordered a home gym, but apparently it is going to take eight fucking weeks to ship to me. Who knows if I will still even want to be in shape then.

New Orleans being 80% underwater is creeping me out.

All work and no play makes Amelia something or other.

I kind of miss school.

Youth really is wasted on the young.

I want to go somewhere autumn is happening.

I feel sort of depressed for reasons so random and strange, I want to smack myself.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is it hot in here?

I've had a fever for the last couple days. I don't feel sick really. Just feverish and kind of delirious.

Wow, I've been staring blankly at the screen for some time since I typed the first part of this. I bought like everything in the get-well-soon juices section of Ralph's a day ago. Maybe I will drink some juice and read a novel now. I'm not sure too much more work is getting done today. I did get to the post office which I really needed to do, so that's cool. I want to be functional by Saturday.

I've been feeling really positive and upbeat and optimistic lately, but that completely freaks me out. Is that gothic or what?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I've managed to find every time-wasting activity on the internet tonight I think.

I should pull the network card out of my machine when I have writing to do.

I guess tomorrow is another day. Bleah.


I wish the drunk people outside would all be struck mute by the wrathful hand of some deity. Right about now. I'm having enough trouble concentrating and they are really not helping. I really want to yell out the window:


Sometimes living in the heart of Hollywood kinda blows.

Yay! Forrest and I shot the cover of Spread

Yay! Forrest and I shot the cover of the new issue of Spread. We still need to get the mag, but I'm really pleased about it. This is from a shoot we did with author/performance artist Michelle Tea where the shoot was really expensive and ended up sort of SNAFUed and I am super pleased to have it turn out as a cool magazine cover. Whoo-hoo!

I heart film.

Guin Turner

Forrest Black and I shot screenwriter/actress Guinevere Turner for both this month's Girlfriends and this month's On Our Backs. Sexy and talented Blue Blood Mary Jane did Guin's makeup for both shoots and she posed with Guin for the On Our Backs one.

Molly has some interesting factoids about Guinevere Turner at Guinevere Turner in On Our Backs

I'm really having trouble getting into a real writing headspace after dealing with techie computer stuff all week.

Marquis 34

Got the most recent issue of Marquis in. Forrest just posted thumbnails of some of our pages from it at this link.

Harsh Mistress

I had a great time at dinner tonight. I finally had a coffee and my headache is much dissipated but still lurking in the back of my brainpan.

S, who really is a science fiction writer, peer-pressured me into taking this quiz. I am apparently:

I am:
Robert A. Heinlein
Beginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers.

Which science fiction writer are you?

I think not.

Heinlein probably would not have procrastinated the way I am procrastinating the article I have to write right now. I mean, right this instant, while I am blogging instead.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Now I'm wondering if how much water I drink means anything sinister.


This endless headache is starting to make me really grouchy. I've got some really tough stuff to deal with with work right now and a throbbing head is not improving my ability to address them. The headache can't be dehydration because I drink water all freaking day all the time. Probably a lot more than is normal.

Going to take a break to get sushi with a friend this evening and that should help.

Forrest saw my last post and told me what he got me for my birthday. He got me a couch! Forrest is awesome. I don't know what I'm going to do about the space issue, but whatever.

I wish my head would stop hurting.

Work Always Comes First

I really want to buy a sofa and a workout thingie and a couple of dining room chairs. I have more than enough money for a sofa and a workout thingie and a couple of dining room chairs. If I get those things, however, they will be in the way when I do certain types of photo shoots. So I do without them.

Anybody know a source for compact stair masters and weightlifting machines? How about lightweight foldable sofas?

I've had a headache at least part of every day for the last week. I feel like getting a coffee because it would relieve some of the headache now, but I think it would make it worse in the long run. So I'm going to try taking a really hot bath instead of getting the coffee I want.

I live in a neighborhood where I am walking distance from a good iced latte from 5am to 2am most days of the week and a short drive 4am to 2am most days of the week. And I am really not taking full advantage of this.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Most Excellent Rev. Tassy Pink

This is from the most recent update to Blue Blood's Barely Evil and Pinkgasm. We shot this in a real place where we had to worry about getting busted being naughty. I love stuff like this.