Friday, August 05, 2005

Work Always Comes First

I really want to buy a sofa and a workout thingie and a couple of dining room chairs. I have more than enough money for a sofa and a workout thingie and a couple of dining room chairs. If I get those things, however, they will be in the way when I do certain types of photo shoots. So I do without them.

Anybody know a source for compact stair masters and weightlifting machines? How about lightweight foldable sofas?

I've had a headache at least part of every day for the last week. I feel like getting a coffee because it would relieve some of the headache now, but I think it would make it worse in the long run. So I'm going to try taking a really hot bath instead of getting the coffee I want.

I live in a neighborhood where I am walking distance from a good iced latte from 5am to 2am most days of the week and a short drive 4am to 2am most days of the week. And I am really not taking full advantage of this.