Saturday, September 03, 2005


I am having trouble getting anything done. I normally avoid the news, except for Jon Stewart (even though I think Anderson Cooper is one sexy boy), but I can't stop watching CNN this week. I am so appalled at how long it has taken to send the proper help. The reports of volunteers being turned away from troublespots make me sick. Everyone from private US citizens to foreign governments to the Salvation Army have been stopped from rendering aid. I don't even understand how there is aid which couldn't get there from our own American government resources. That people were stopped from helping just makes me so angry, makes me feel so impotent. I am so digesting my stomach lining. The handling of the Katrina disaster is such a travesty even the newscasters on FOX and CNN are taking over the job of shouting at the TV for us. I just found out that the last of my personal friends from NOLA showed up more or less okay yesterday. That is some relief, but, as a patriot and a human being, I am still so angry and so sad. I normally make it a policy not to post about anything remotely political online. But most of what I've been doing since this happened in watching news on TV and the web and reading message board and journal posts about it and making posts myself which I normally wouldn't, but this is just too much. How could this happen in America?