Monday, October 24, 2005

Too Much Halloween

I love this time of year, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I know I should just be happy, but it is a little too much. We sold out of the new Blue Blood Boutique hoodies the first week. I had to reorder everything and hope I get everything in time to keep people whose orders I haven't been able to send yet happy. I've got a deadline this week that I really don't feel like making. Actually, I've got four deadlines this week and one of them is cleaning up the mess made by someone else's shirking their responsibilities and one I just don't feel like doing in the midst of everything else. Had a great time bowling Friday. Was fun seeing Kellie while she was in town. Love my comfy hoodie. Have some great photos I just need to post. Am bleeding like a CSI episode. Had a nightmare last night which was sort of a cross between Martha Stewart: Apprentice and Ilsa She-Wolf of the SS and when I used to do contract design work. It sounds funnier than it was to experience. Started my day off-kilter. A bunch of people I like are having their relationships break up right now and I feel sad for them, even though, in some cases, I'm sure they will make positive new beginnings from the lemonade. Went to too many parties last night. Have too many parties and shows I want to go to this week and more work than I feel like I can do. Feeling overwhelmed is making me lower energy than I would otherwise feel I think. That and bleeding like a CSI episode. (I just had to say that twice.) There is just so much going on both workwise and funwise that I feel like I am always dropping the ball right now. I've got friends helping me with stuff and that is awesome. I should really just chill for a day and try to recharge. But I probably won't. Fuck I have a lot to do, but I just spent precious work and fun time freaking out in type instead. Blargh.