Wednesday, June 24, 2009


  • 11:49 Forrest Black & I shot layouts of Bella Vendetta & Rachel Face for Tattoo Teasers #
  • 11:51 Forrest Black & I have photography in current Rolling Stone & current Star Is it ok for me to be jazzed about that? #
  • 12:09 Does anyone have a copy of the HBO vampire show Blue Blood, @ForrestBlack and I were on? I want to finally see a copy. #
  • 12:31 Ow. Had a bunch of my hair cut shorter & still too long to style w/o burning myself with a flat iron. #
  • 16:52 coffee with Lange #
  • 05:30 @malixe I think you get in trouble if you plead praiseworthy though. #
  • 06:15 Bruce Willis naked RT @BlueBlood New blog post: Cyberpunk Fetish Honeymoon Hotel #
  • 06:18 Just found out science fiction story of mine republished in SexCrime Anthology of Subversive #
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