Sunday, August 30, 2009


Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Saturday, August 29, 2009


  • 15:14 @ replies appear to be disappearing. Twitter seems to be on the fritz. Anyone else having vanishing mssg syndrome? #
  • 03:44 @almostevil Whoa, making DMs public is even worse than disappearing @ replies. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, August 28, 2009


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Thursday, August 27, 2009

LASIK for Less!

The ad on Facebook reads, "LASIK -The Best for Less
Quality LASIK, affordable prices at LA Sight. Dr. Wallace named "LA's Best." Working with you to make LASIK fit your budget."

Only the accompanying 77x77 pixel thumbnail image for the advertisement shows a woman winking:

This perturbs me. Is it less in the sense that they economize, but you might only be able to see out of one eye when they are done? Is it less in the sense that they only do one eye?

My brother and both my parents wear glasses, but I don't. Good thing because I'd be the one who just had to try LASIK. I think medical care is kinda like tattoo art and you should wait until you can afford the good professional, but apparently some people just wink happily at less.


  • 09:22 @TLC_PR Too funny! via @TheOnion - Market Evidently Capable Of Supporting More Than One Reality Show About Cake (RT) #
  • 09:22 National Single Cougars Convention for Younger Men & Older Women #
  • 09:23 Vampire Lady Gaga #
  • 09:44 Top search today is "chappaquiddick". WTF is wrong w/people? Lack of political knowledge+internet=F'ed obits #
  • 04:47 @Very_Wiley good grumble morning :-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vampire Lady Gaga

Vampire Lady Gaga

by Amelia G : August 21st, 2009

lady gaga outThe brilliant Ellen Von Unwerth shot an extensive pictorial of Lady Gaga in vampire drag for Out. The exclusive Out feature is called The Lady is a Vamp. The shoot styling is credited to someone named Nicola Formichetti who is seriously talented and who Bing informs me is the creative director of Dazed and Confused and is responsible for some of the fashion in Vogue Hommes Japan, V, Arena Homme, and others, as well as of course out. Always fun to discover the work of creative people I have not come across before.

Out calls Lady Gaga “Pop’s newest — and gayest — superstar”. One of the things I like about Lady Gaga is that I feel she is someone post-orientation in her approach to sexuality. She has stated often in interviews that she is attracted to women physically but only has romantic relationships with men. I’m not sure if that makes her super-gay, but maybe I am just feeling cantankerous today about people being so bent on labeling sexuality. I do not feel that an individual’s sexuality generally belongs in a tidy little box with a label stickered on it.

Then again, from an editorial perspective, I’m pleased that Out indentifies Lady Gaga as gay, however she defines herself. Because . . .

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National Single Cougars Convention for Younger Men & Older Women

National Single Cougars Convention for Younger Men & Older Women

by Amelia G : August 20th, 2009

cougar conventionWhat do you call a forty-five-year-old guy with a twenty-five-year-old girlfriend? Successful.

What do you call a forty-five-year-old chick with a twenty-five-year-old boyfriend? Cougar.

I’m just going to say right off the bat that I think most people are going to find the most compatibility for the long-term in someone who is around their own age. And, for the short term, I think the age differences are pretty irrelevant. Some sectors of society seem to be all in a tizzy over the idea that decades of women in the workplace have lead to the existence of less gender differentiation in approaches to mating. I don’t think men and women are really all that different naturally, so of course the more the cultural training to be different is removed, the more similarly they will behave.

Cougars are so much a demographic and part of the cultural consciousness today that there are sites for those who fantasize about being . . .

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  • 17:29 @clintcatalyst Thank goodness you are still alive and kicking (tweeting) after something like that! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


  • 03:53 Crashing on deadline for editor project. Been looking at pics of pussy for so many hours in row it's become an abstraction, not a real thing #
  • 03:54 @BrandonFord need weapon w/which can commit a violent murder. Something found in a kitchen preferably. Something original. Any ideas? (RT) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, August 24, 2009


  • 14:32 Jasmine Fiore Playboy Death Photo ghoulishly hilarious & horrifically tragic #
  • 14:41 Wow, some knucklehead is trying to hack the members area on Which would be more worrisome if it had one. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jasmine Fiore Playboy Death Photo

Jasmine Fiore Playboy Death Photo

by Amelia G : August 23rd, 2009

muderer ryan alexander jenkins smooches megan hauserman for VH1Is it likely that a bleach blonde with fake tits who worked for Playboy appeared in a Playboy pictorial? Is it likely that a millionaire reality show contestant would murder his bleach blonde girlfriend and think he was going to get away with it by chopping off all her fingers and pulling out all her teeth but not removing her serial numbered breast implants? Is it likely that, if someone were so horribly cruelly disfigured, either just prior to being murdered or post-mortem to incompetently prevent identification, that TMZ would buy a death photo from someone in the coroner’s office and post it on the internet? Well, the only part of the the Jasmine-Fiore-murder-followed-by-death-photo story being reported which is not true is that the victim posed for Playboy. Full disclosure: Jasmine Fiore may have had a bit part in the horror movie The Abandoned which was an advertiser on this site and others I work on, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t bias me on this. I’m pretty sure I would find this story simultaneously ghoulishly hilarious and horrifically tragic regardless.

One Ryan Alexander Jenkins was indeed thwarted when one Jasmine Fiore was identified by the serial number on her breast implants. Apparently Ryan Alexander Jenkins recently finished taping on VH1’s I Love . . .

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


  • 19:38 Got to add Access Hollywood & National Examiner to my credits today! #
  • 19:40 @TheUnclean @youngsoulrebel @soulcookie @somastardust Thanks for birthday wishes :-) I got buckwild & actually relaxed for a day. #
  • 19:43 @vampirecon Thanks for having me & for doing a cool vampire event! Expect to see fangtastic pics in 4/5 wks :-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mad Men Yourself

Mad Men Season 3

by Amelia G : August 14th, 2009

madmen ameliagThe new season of AMC’s Mad Men starts this Sunday. I will be at Vampire-Con, so I’ll be TiVoing it, but I’m looking forward to this new season of one of my favorite shows. Pre-season rumor has it that this time out, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner has in store more drinking, more gender relations of both the sexual and social issue variety, and will start off a couple more years into the 1960’s.

We’ve got a beautiful Mad Men promo photo gallery for your viewing pleasure here. The colors of past seasons were a bit different from these and I can’t say whether the new season will fully match prior seasons or evolve. I love the look here, though, and one of the most impressive things about Mad Men is the hyper real look and feel. The show’s costuming is convincingly period, but somehow makes each time it covers look more fabulous and glamorous and beautiful than it probably looked at the time. The lighting and color palette is always just gorgeous and makes this one of the few shows I always TiVo at Best . . .

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Photographs Taken by a Cat

Photographs Taken by a Cat

by Amelia G : August 10th, 2009

kitty cam perspectiveWhisper is a kitty photographer who wears a CatCam on a timer and, well, takes pictures. Taking pictures is what photographers do.

Whisper is half long-tailed yellow tabby and half Siamese. He gets his nom de photography from the color of his fur.

If you want keepsake photographs taken by a cat, you can even get prints with Whisper’s signature pawprint. It is always good to have a distinctive signature. Mine is unfortunately an un-aesthetically pleasing scrawl. Maybe I should switch to fingerpainting a . . .

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vampire Con Panel and Photography

Vampire Con Panel and Photography

by Amelia G : August 12th, 2009

vampire con hollywoodIt is no secret that I love the vampire genre. I received Honors at Wesleyan University for my thesis on vampire legends as a paradigm for aggressive human sexuality. And I would like the record to show that I will be speaking on exactly that topic this weekend at Vampire Con in Hollywood. I’ll be taking part in the panel programming Sunday afternoon, after the movie nights, and before Vampirella’s Ball (more on this in a moment.) I’m excited that Wendi Mirabella and Lotti Pharriss Knowles have put Vampire-Con together.

The panel I am on is called Hot-Blooded: Vampires & Sexuality and is at 1pm at the Henry Fonda Theater on Hollywood Blvd. It will be moderated by David J. Skal, Author of Hollywood Gothic and V Is For Vampire: The A-Z Guide Of Everything Undead. I’m especially excited that Pam Keesey, who I’m looking forward to catching up with will be on the panel. She is the editor of multiple anthologies of lesbian vampire tales, Women Who Run with the Werewolves: Tales of Blood, Lust, and Metamorphosis, and Vamps: An Illustrated History of the Femme Fatale. Pam Keesey has a very engaging personality, has published yours truly, and once gave me a tour of Forrest Ackerman’s memorabilia collection. Other panelists are Hal Bodner, author of Bite Club: A West Hollywood Vampire Tale, filmmaker Fred . . .

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Fedora Bunks in Blue (PICS)

Fedora is adorable in blue. Adoration commencing in T-minus . . .

Fedora photographed by Amelia G & Forrest Black

Fedora photographed by Amelia G & Forrest Black

Whole set in the Blue Blood VIP. Forrest Black and I had such a good time working with Fedora. This set is most likely the second of many.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Is Lady Gaga a hermaphrodite?

Is Lady Gaga a hermaphrodite?

by Amelia G : August 7th, 2009

According to about a zillion sites, Lady Gaga supposedly stated in an interview that she is a hermaphrodite. The following quote is attributed to her, but not one source I saw was able to name what interviewer she allegedly said this to or what publication or show it was for or what production company or publisher might supposedly have been involved.

“It’s not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. It’s just a little bit of a penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. The reason I haven’t talked about it is that it’s not a big deal to me. Like come on. It’s not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. I have both a poon and a peener. Big fucking deal.”

At around ten seconds past the one minute mark in the video above, Lady Gaga hops off the motorcycle and some people feel she was not wearing underwear and what was dangling there was a cock. Given that, according to Rolling Stone, she hangs out with Marilyn Manson who tried to promote Mechanical Animals by wearing breasts, which maybe contributed to . . .

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Monday, August 03, 2009

In the Year of the Pig Fish

In the Year of the Pig Fish

by Amelia G : July 31st, 2009

liz mcgrath in the year of the pig fishI went to a fashion show soiree last night. My friend writer/gadfly Clint Catalyst organized the event for designer Jared Gold. Clint and I are both eclectic individuals and we have kind of a lot of random points of intersection. And we’ve both been doing what we do for a while.

So the most unsettling part of the shindig was trying to place who people were. This is difficult when a person could be someone I photographed nine years ago and haven’t seen in between. Or the person could be someone who did my hair once. Or the person could be someone I’ve only seen in media. There is always a risk when greeting someone on dim non-specific facial-recognition alone because they could turn out to be someone you’ve only watched on television or MySpace or someone you would shoot (not with a camera) if you had a license to kill. But a significant portion of folks there are people I know and like but may not have seen recently. So it was like a real life wetware version of one of those aging programs they use to find missing children.

One person at the event I saw and could not place was artist/designer Elizabeth McGrath. I attended her Broken Dolls fashion show in like . . .

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