Thursday, August 27, 2009

LASIK for Less!

The ad on Facebook reads, "LASIK -The Best for Less
Quality LASIK, affordable prices at LA Sight. Dr. Wallace named "LA's Best." Working with you to make LASIK fit your budget."

Only the accompanying 77x77 pixel thumbnail image for the advertisement shows a woman winking:

This perturbs me. Is it less in the sense that they economize, but you might only be able to see out of one eye when they are done? Is it less in the sense that they only do one eye?

My brother and both my parents wear glasses, but I don't. Good thing because I'd be the one who just had to try LASIK. I think medical care is kinda like tattoo art and you should wait until you can afford the good professional, but apparently some people just wink happily at less.