Friday, September 18, 2009


  • 19:15 Interviewed 1 good person today. Other interviews bizarre, including 1 who wants a few k to drink beer. Not the job desc. #
  • 23:20 @BillyAntiseptic fuck, what a feeling! #
  • 23:21 Hey, my Twitter pic disappeared. Wish this hard drive was more organized, so it would be easier to find again. #
  • 23:22 Didn't we used to be able to set which square from our profile pic is the avatar? #
  • 23:23 @jonnyilluminati No one I interviewed today was wearing a suit, except maybe IM interviewees. I heart suits. #
  • 23:25 @funkatron You I would compensate to drink beer. So long as buying a round and drinking it with you counts as compensation ;-p #
  • 23:28 Long day. Good night everyone. I'm going to either cook or stare at the ceiling and twitch. Checked hard stuff off. Tomorrow will rule! #
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