Friday, December 25, 2009


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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Good-bye Naughties – Worst Decade Ever

Good-bye Naughties – Worst Decade Ever

by Amelia G : December 24th, 2009

time worst decade everTime Magazine says, “Call it the Decade from Hell, or the Reckoning, or the Decade of Broken Dreams, or the Lost Decade. Call it whatever you want — just give thanks that it is nearly over.” Time Magazine’s Andy Serwer article, The ’00s: Goodbye (at Last) to the Decade from Hell seems like it should be a New Year’s piece, but sometimes it is hard to wait. Heck, I’d intended to post this on December 31 and here I am posting it early too.

The last decade was certainly one filled with digital snake oil and the rise of wikiality over reality, tonal arguments over logical debate, and the erosion of freedom and privacy in the developed world. Many hipsters love to observe on how zombies are awesome monsters because they are weaker than their prey but make up for their shambling loserdom with numbers. So the past decade also saw the rise of people jumping up and down shouting individualist buzzwords while conforming as fast as humanly possible. And I’m not too thrilled by the economic and work ethic evolution in my circle of acquaintance, where so many people I know have gone from talking about their creative endeavors to bragging about how they are leeching money out of the “system”. But those are my complaints.

Time Magazine has their own top ten reasons . . .

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Good-bye Naughties – Worst Decade Ever

Good-bye Naughties – Worst Decade Ever

by Amelia G : December 24th, 2009

time worst decade everTime Magazine says, “Call it the Decade from Hell, or the Reckoning, or the Decade of Broken Dreams, or the Lost Decade. Call it whatever you want — just give thanks that it is nearly over.” Time Magazine’s Andy Serwer article, The ’00s: Goodbye (at Last) to the Decade from Hell seems like it should be a New Year’s piece, but sometimes it is hard to wait. Heck, I’d intended to post this on December 31 and here I am posting it early too.

The last decade was certainly one filled with digital snake oil and the rise of wikiality over reality, tonal arguments over logical debate, and the erosion of freedom and privacy in the developed world. Many hipsters love to observe on how zombies are awesome monsters because they are weaker than their prey but make up for their shambling loserdom with numbers. So the past decade also saw the rise of people jumping up and down shouting individualist buzzwords while conforming as fast as humanly possible. And I’m not too thrilled by the economic and work ethic evolution in my circle of acquaintance, where so many people I know have gone from talking about their creative endeavors to bragging about how they are leeching money out of the “system”. But those are my complaints.

Time Magazine has their own top ten reasons . . .

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Mary Portas is Absolutely Fabulous

Mary Portas is Absolutely Fabulous

by Amelia G : December 24th, 2009

mary portas queen of shops bbcSome people like to get inspired for the day watching televangelists at 6am, while they get ready for work. Me, I’d like to have a channel of all shows like Mary Queen of Shops on BBC America.

Mary Queen of Shops comes from the same team which produces Gordon Ramsay’s F Word and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, both shows about how to improve commercial kitchen work. My problem with the Gordon Ramsay shows is that I can’t watch most food television without getting insanely hungry and desperately craving whatever is being prepared. Basically, I have way too low a threshold for food porn. Mary Queen of Shops has a similar format with none of the insatiable craving for sauteed scallops in some special parsley butter sauce following viewing.

Mary Portas is a branding and retail consultant for fashion enterprises. Each episode of this show, she takes a small floundering independent boutique and helps it improve the way it does business. She is a strong advocate of fabulous service and careful market segment focus. It doesn’t even matter if one always agrees with everything she says because part of the show’s appeal is that it puts one in a business frame of mind. It makes you think about what you would do in whatever situation is being presented. Mary Portas comes across as high energy and even playful, while simultaneously being aggressive and can-do. She seems like she would be both a lot of fun and a formidable adversary.

Fascinated by her powerhouse on-screen presence and my own wish for more shows with this sort of business theme, I started casually researching her background. The best bit I found was that she got a gig as Creative Director at Harvey Nichols, after being in charge of window dressing at both Harrods and Topshop previously. At Harvey Nichols, she not only brought in cool designers like Vivienne Westwood, but she arranged for extensive product placement and name shoutouts on the TV show Absolutely Fabulous . . .

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Mary Portas is Absolutely Fabulous

Mary Portas is Absolutely Fabulous

by Amelia G : December 24th, 2009

mary portas queen of shops bbcSome people like to get inspired for the day watching televangelists at 6am, while they get ready for work. Me, I’d like to have a channel of all shows like Mary Queen of Shops on BBC America.

Mary Queen of Shops comes from the same team which produces Gordon Ramsay’s F Word and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, both shows about how to improve commercial kitchen work. My problem with the Gordon Ramsay shows is that I can’t watch most food television without getting insanely hungry and desperately craving whatever is being prepared. Basically, I have way too low a threshold for food porn. Mary Queen of Shops has a similar format with none of the insatiable craving for sauteed scallops in some special parsley butter sauce following viewing.

Mary Portas is a branding and retail consultant for fashion enterprises. Each episode of this show, she takes a small floundering independent boutique and helps it improve the way it does business. She is a strong advocate of fabulous service and careful market segment focus. It doesn’t even matter if one always agrees with everything she says because part of the show’s appeal is that it puts one in a business frame of mind. It makes you think about what you would do in whatever situation is being presented. Mary Portas comes across as high energy and even playful, while simultaneously being aggressive and can-do. She seems like she would be both a lot of fun and a formidable adversary.

Fascinated by her powerhouse on-screen presence and my own wish for more shows with this sort of business theme, I started casually researching her background. The best bit I found was that she got a gig as Creative Director at Harvey Nichols, after being in charge of window dressing at both Harrods and Topshop previously. At Harvey Nichols, she not only brought in cool designers like Vivienne Westwood, but she arranged for extensive product placement and name shoutouts on the TV show Absolutely Fabulous . . .

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Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

by Amelia G : December 23rd, 2009

brittany murphy drug addict nikki in spunI’ve been in a bit of a morbid headspace due to recent events. So, when Twitter lit up with Brittany Murphy RIP tweets, I’m not proud of it, but I popped over to TMZ to see what happened. I made the correct assumption that TMZ would have the most up-to-the-minute info on anything really depressing and dismal involving bad things happening to a celebrity.

TMZ in fact was updating every few minutes with stuff like UPDATE 4:07 PM ET — A rep for Murphy tells TMZ, “In this time of sadness, the family thanks you for your love and support. It is their wish that you respect their privacy.” They followed this up with paparazzi photos of Brittany Murphy’s grieving husband coming back home from the hospital, after his wife had been pronounced dead. Here is where it gets kind of hilarious. If you have a very very very dark sense of humor.

The stated cause of death for Brittany Murphy was cardiac arrest. Because she was a talented actress, it was common assumption, after her star turn in the meth addict movie Spun, that she was a big ol’ druggee. See Robert Downey Jr.’s performance in Less Than Zero for the classic example of this phenomenon. I think that, if I managed actors, I would tell only untalented ones to ever . . .

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Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

by Amelia G : December 23rd, 2009

brittany murphy drug addict nikki in spunI’ve been in a bit of a morbid headspace due to recent events. So, when Twitter lit up with Brittany Murphy RIP tweets, I’m not proud of it, but I popped over to TMZ to see what happened. I made the correct assumption that TMZ would have the most up-to-the-minute info on anything really depressing and dismal involving bad things happening to a celebrity.

TMZ in fact was updating every few minutes with stuff like UPDATE 4:07 PM ET — A rep for Murphy tells TMZ, “In this time of sadness, the family thanks you for your love and support. It is their wish that you respect their privacy.” They followed this up with paparazzi photos of Brittany Murphy’s grieving husband coming back home from the hospital, after his wife had been pronounced dead. Here is where it gets kind of hilarious. If you have a very very very dark sense of humor.

The stated cause of death for Brittany Murphy was cardiac arrest. Because she was a talented actress, it was common assumption, after her star turn in the meth addict movie Spun, that she was a big ol’ druggee. See Robert Downey Jr.’s performance in Less Than Zero for the classic example of this phenomenon. I think that, if I managed actors, I would tell only untalented ones to ever . . .

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jax Silver Top (PICS)

This is an image from the 17th set [info]forrestblack and I shot of Jax to post to the Blue Blood VIP. I know it always used to disappoint me when I'd buy like a tattoo or gothic magazine because I thought the person on the cover looked cool and then there were no pics or only maybe one picture of them inside. I think my favorite thing about creating for the web is the sheer quantity of content which can be shared.

Jax Silver Top (PICS)

This is an image from the 17th set [info]forrestblack and I shot of Jax to post to the Blue Blood VIP. I know it always used to disappoint me when I'd buy like a tattoo or gothic magazine because I thought the person on the cover looked cool and then there were no pics or only maybe one picture of them inside. I think my favorite thing about creating for the web is the sheer quantity of content which can be shared.


  • 08:47 Wow, I was all scared & I'm done w/ jury duty already #
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  • 08:47 Wow, I was all scared & I'm done w/ jury duty already #
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009


  • 11:32 Behind on assigning work, much less catching up on my own. I have to got to Beverly Hills for jury duty tomorrow. That'll help the economy. #
  • 19:46 @funkatron Aw. Double scoop! #
  • 23:02 12/18: Avatar, bday celebs, Hills party. 12/19: Foodie party. 12/20: Memorial for DAC. 12/21: Sad. 12/22: Jury Duty. Excessively diverse wk. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 11:32 Behind on assigning work, much less catching up on my own. I have to got to Beverly Hills for jury duty tomorrow. That'll help the economy. #
  • 19:46 @funkatron Aw. Double scoop! #
  • 23:02 12/18: Avatar, bday celebs, Hills party. 12/19: Foodie party. 12/20: Memorial for DAC. 12/21: Sad. 12/22: Jury Duty. Excessively diverse wk. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kendra James Shotgun (PICS)

[info]forrestblack and I have shot a number of lovelies with shotguns for the Blue Blood VIP, but Mistress Kendra James is above and beyond because she really gave inserting the shotgun the old college try. Thumbs up.

Kendra James Shotgun (PICS)

[info]forrestblack and I have shot a number of lovelies with shotguns for the Blue Blood VIP, but Mistress Kendra James is above and beyond because she really gave inserting the shotgun the old college try. Thumbs up.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


  • 11:43 @ForrestBlack I'm firing up my colonizing spaceship and terraforming nano-machines! #
  • 01:07 Finally, a really great day. Avatar & Lucky Devils w/ @ForrestBlack Rock bar. Kerry's bday party w/interesting convo. Gonna learn archery. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 11:43 @ForrestBlack I'm firing up my colonizing spaceship and terraforming nano-machines! #
  • 01:07 Finally, a really great day. Avatar & Lucky Devils w/ @ForrestBlack Rock bar. Kerry's bday party w/interesting convo. Gonna learn archery. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


  • 17:47 Site 4 photogs to book models 4 paid gigs ordered dme to email my PHOTO ID. They've no name or rep & hidden reg. Hello, Mr. Identity Theft. #
  • 18:04 @funkatron LOL Those bitches best be for the full last seven years. #
  • 18:05 @soulcookie LOL I hadn't got to that part of the form, but, whaddya know, it is like you read ahead. #
  • 07:09 Once firehouse across street is built, I guess I'll feel extra safe but must they start construction at 6am? Giving up trying to sleep. #
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for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 17:47 Site 4 photogs to book models 4 paid gigs ordered dme to email my PHOTO ID. They've no name or rep & hidden reg. Hello, Mr. Identity Theft. #
  • 18:04 @funkatron LOL Those bitches best be for the full last seven years. #
  • 18:05 @soulcookie LOL I hadn't got to that part of the form, but, whaddya know, it is like you read ahead. #
  • 07:09 Once firehouse across street is built, I guess I'll feel extra safe but must they start construction at 6am? Giving up trying to sleep. #
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for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Sunday, December 13, 2009


  • 14:37 @docbrite No pill where you live w/o pap & mammogram??? I have female-ID friend who feels bleeding is barbaric. Maybe ? #
  • 15:36 @lamaupin HUGE congrats!!! #
  • 15:39 Enjoying the sound of rare Hollywood rain through my open windows & balcony doors. Should be splashing in puddles, not glumly half working. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 14:37 @docbrite No pill where you live w/o pap & mammogram??? I have female-ID friend who feels bleeding is barbaric. Maybe ? #
  • 15:36 @lamaupin HUGE congrats!!! #
  • 15:39 Enjoying the sound of rare Hollywood rain through my open windows & balcony doors. Should be splashing in puddles, not glumly half working. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gasmask Flexibility (PICS)

If someone can do a cool unusual trick, I always like to photograph them doing it. Like, if they are good at hanging upside down or twisting into pretzel forms or breathing fire or hanging from hooks or whatever, then I'm down for documenting it. This set, shot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack posted to the Blue Blood VIP today.

Gasmask Flexibility (PICS)

If someone can do a cool unusual trick, I always like to photograph them doing it. Like, if they are good at hanging upside down or twisting into pretzel forms or breathing fire or hanging from hooks or whatever, then I'm down for documenting it. This set, shot by yours truly and [info]forrestblack posted to the Blue Blood VIP today.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


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Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Raven Sutherland Models Design by Yolanda (PICS)

I have a fondness for shooting people who do more than just model. Although, of course, being a great conversationalist or whatever doesn't mean the camera will love a person. It made it extra cool that Yolanda, whose 29th Blue Blood VIP set recently posted, designed the dress for Raven Sutherland to take off in her lucky 13th Blue Blood VIP appearance. [info]forrestblack and I shot this set of Raven, but she has been photographed for Blue Blood by a bunch of photographers, including Chad Michael Ward, and in multiple cities. Forrest Black and I have shot Raven in both New Orleans and Los Angeles. I haven't been to New Orleans in far too long, now that I think about it.

Raven Sutherland Models Design by Yolanda (PICS)

I have a fondness for shooting people who do more than just model. Although, of course, being a great conversationalist or whatever doesn't mean the camera will love a person. It made it extra cool that Yolanda, whose 29th Blue Blood VIP set recently posted, designed the dress for Raven Sutherland to take off in her lucky 13th Blue Blood VIP appearance. [info]forrestblack and I shot this set of Raven, but she has been photographed for Blue Blood by a bunch of photographers, including Chad Michael Ward, and in multiple cities. Forrest Black and I have shot Raven in both New Orleans and Los Angeles. I haven't been to New Orleans in far too long, now that I think about it.


  • 08:48 @thomasroche So...what does it feel like to be hit with a cattle prod? (RT) Dude, you must know tons of SF peeps who can answer that #
  • 18:13 Sick of man's inhumanity to man. Sick of people who want to drop my name to their "friends" but can't treat me like a real live person. #
  • 18:15 Preserving Memories or Amelia Ruminates Morbidly on a Funny Picture (SFW PICS) #
  • 18:16 Rachel Face Posh Skulls (NSFW PICS) Boobies & positivity for sake of balance. #
  • 18:18 @revmitcz The phone kinda freaks me out unless it is texting, but I'll do email, ICQ, AIM, or in person w/ya depending on project :-) #
  • 18:20 @Fatty_D Ha, ha, did you see me doing my new workout plan of carrying 10 pound bags of potatoes? The rain was nice. #
  • 18:28 @DarkAngelofFate Thanks :-) #
  • 18:29 @revmitcz Hit my contact info off w/project details of more than 140 characters ;-) #
  • 19:07 @docbrite Who is Fred Radke and what is his issue with your homestead and writing? #
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  • 08:48 @thomasroche So...what does it feel like to be hit with a cattle prod? (RT) Dude, you must know tons of SF peeps who can answer that #
  • 18:13 Sick of man's inhumanity to man. Sick of people who want to drop my name to their "friends" but can't treat me like a real live person. #
  • 18:15 Preserving Memories or Amelia Ruminates Morbidly on a Funny Picture (SFW PICS) #
  • 18:16 Rachel Face Posh Skulls (NSFW PICS) Boobies & positivity for sake of balance. #
  • 18:18 @revmitcz The phone kinda freaks me out unless it is texting, but I'll do email, ICQ, AIM, or in person w/ya depending on project :-) #
  • 18:20 @Fatty_D Ha, ha, did you see me doing my new workout plan of carrying 10 pound bags of potatoes? The rain was nice. #
  • 18:28 @DarkAngelofFate Thanks :-) #
  • 18:29 @revmitcz Hit my contact info off w/project details of more than 140 characters ;-) #
  • 19:07 @docbrite Who is Fred Radke and what is his issue with your homestead and writing? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Monday, December 07, 2009

Preserving Memories or Amelia Ruminates Morbidly on a Funny Picture

With the passing of David Aaron Clark, I have been thinking a lot about the way photography preserves a moment. In many respects, I think my interest in photography initially stemmed largely from having moved so often and wishing I had more photos to remember people with. The reason, when I first picked up a camera, that I initially photographed freaks like me -- basically people I viewed as peers -- was that I saw it as essentially photographing the family barbecue. Only, ya know, with more varied hair color and sometimes more naked.

This shot is from a Blue Blood VIP set which posted last week. It is of Kellie LaPlegua and Szandora and is sort of a BTS outtake, although it is included in the update. I like this shot because, although I don't feel today the way I felt that day, this image helps preserve the memory.

Preserving Memories or Amelia Ruminates Morbidly on a Funny Picture

With the passing of David Aaron Clark, I have been thinking a lot about the way photography preserves a moment. In many respects, I think my interest in photography initially stemmed largely from having moved so often and wishing I had more photos to remember people with. The reason, when I first picked up a camera, that I initially photographed freaks like me -- basically people I viewed as peers -- was that I saw it as essentially photographing the family barbecue. Only, ya know, with more varied hair color and sometimes more naked.

This shot is from a Blue Blood VIP set which posted last week. It is of Kellie LaPlegua and Szandora and is sort of a BTS outtake, although it is included in the update. I like this shot because, although I don't feel today the way I felt that day, this image helps preserve the memory.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Rachel Face Posh Skulls (PICS)

This is a shot from the sweet 16th set of Rachel Face [info]forrestblack and I have shot for the Blue Blood VIP. I love how uber-punk Rachel comes across in this series and the swanky boutique hotel we shot these at was so amazingly cool. Despite the fact that people from neighboring hotels complained about Rachel's appearance, our hotel was still down for sending someone to get me an iced latte when my energy started to flag. Oi oi, now that is service.

Rachel Face Posh Skulls (PICS)

This is a shot from the sweet 16th set of Rachel Face [info]forrestblack and I have shot for the Blue Blood VIP. I love how uber-punk Rachel comes across in this series and the swanky boutique hotel we shot these at was so amazingly cool. Despite the fact that people from neighboring hotels complained about Rachel's appearance, our hotel was still down for sending someone to get me an iced latte when my energy started to flag. Oi oi, now that is service.


  • 20:12 Is there anyone you hate enough to come mock them, to those who cared, at a memorial when they died? #
  • 21:12 My hair still looks fabulous, so it seems like a waste not to go out tonight, but I feel too sad. Have some work to get done anyway. #
  • 02:03 @funkatron Thanks :-) #
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  • 20:12 Is there anyone you hate enough to come mock them, to those who cared, at a memorial when they died? #
  • 21:12 My hair still looks fabulous, so it seems like a waste not to go out tonight, but I feel too sad. Have some work to get done anyway. #
  • 02:03 @funkatron Thanks :-) #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Saturday, December 05, 2009


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Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Friday, December 04, 2009

David Aaron Clark Remembered

David Aaron Clark Remembered

by Amelia G : December 4th, 2009

david aaron clark amelia g boaOne of the many things I liked about David Aaron Clark was that he had eclectic interests and he had an artist’s drive to share his passions. In Korea, BoA is not Bank of America, but a huge pop act with crazy hot music videos. As part of a campaign to launch her in America, she played a special concert at Universal Citywalk. DAC invited me and Forrest Black to go and we had a lot of fun. DAC was too shy to buy the CD and the poster BoA would later autograph, so Forrest went and did it for him. Later DAC treated us to dinner. The shrimp place at Citywalk has wretched food and good drinks, but the important thing was that we enjoyed great conversation. And my glass had flashing lights in it like a mini-rave. David Aaron Clark always claimed he didn’t smile in pictures, but this David Aaron Clark photo gallery demonstrates that he did, under the right circumstances.

A few days ago, I posted my initial personal response to DAC’s passing RIP David Aaron Clark. Here is a list of links to other remembrances by some of the artists, writers, and deviant who mourn him. Los Angeles folks who knew him may be getting together around 7pm tonight in the bar at the ground floor of his former apartment . . .

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David Aaron Clark Remembered

David Aaron Clark Remembered

by Amelia G : December 4th, 2009

david aaron clark amelia g boaOne of the many things I liked about David Aaron Clark was that he had eclectic interests and he had an artist’s drive to share his passions. In Korea, BoA is not Bank of America, but a huge pop act with crazy hot music videos. As part of a campaign to launch her in America, she played a special concert at Universal Citywalk. DAC invited me and Forrest Black to go and we had a lot of fun. DAC was too shy to buy the CD and the poster BoA would later autograph, so Forrest went and did it for him. Later DAC treated us to dinner. The shrimp place at Citywalk has wretched food and good drinks, but the important thing was that we enjoyed great conversation. And my glass had flashing lights in it like a mini-rave. David Aaron Clark always claimed he didn’t smile in pictures, but this David Aaron Clark photo gallery demonstrates that he did, under the right circumstances.

A few days ago, I posted my initial personal response to DAC’s passing RIP David Aaron Clark. Here is a list of links to other remembrances by some of the artists, writers, and deviant who mourn him. Los Angeles folks who knew him may be getting together around 7pm tonight in the bar at the ground floor of his former apartment . . .

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  • 07:47 Feel like web makes everything a wrong answer. Someone always furious over nothing. Going to chill & hope to repair some soul exhaustion. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 07:47 Feel like web makes everything a wrong answer. Someone always furious over nothing. Going to chill & hope to repair some soul exhaustion. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Thursday, December 03, 2009


  • 21:44 Going to birthday party at bar that's not open yet. Hedging fashion bets w/noncommittal clothing & giant eyelashes. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 21:44 Going to birthday party at bar that's not open yet. Hedging fashion bets w/noncommittal clothing & giant eyelashes. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


  • 03:16 Made my deadline to get David Aaron Clark & Pure feature appropriate for fetish audience done for Marquis! Pleased but wish he could see it. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 03:16 Made my deadline to get David Aaron Clark & Pure feature appropriate for fetish audience done for Marquis! Pleased but wish he could see it. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


  • 18:04 Into the Realm with David Aaron Clark from: @gramponante #
  • 18:07 Oh fuck me, an already slightly broken large filling in my mouth just fell out completely. While I was drinking water. WTF? #
  • 21:14 @antiblank Cool Xmas pic. Is that in stalker-cam? #
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