Thursday, December 24, 2009

Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

Brittany Murphy Dark Humor

by Amelia G : December 23rd, 2009

brittany murphy drug addict nikki in spunI’ve been in a bit of a morbid headspace due to recent events. So, when Twitter lit up with Brittany Murphy RIP tweets, I’m not proud of it, but I popped over to TMZ to see what happened. I made the correct assumption that TMZ would have the most up-to-the-minute info on anything really depressing and dismal involving bad things happening to a celebrity.

TMZ in fact was updating every few minutes with stuff like UPDATE 4:07 PM ET — A rep for Murphy tells TMZ, “In this time of sadness, the family thanks you for your love and support. It is their wish that you respect their privacy.” They followed this up with paparazzi photos of Brittany Murphy’s grieving husband coming back home from the hospital, after his wife had been pronounced dead. Here is where it gets kind of hilarious. If you have a very very very dark sense of humor.

The stated cause of death for Brittany Murphy was cardiac arrest. Because she was a talented actress, it was common assumption, after her star turn in the meth addict movie Spun, that she was a big ol’ druggee. See Robert Downey Jr.’s performance in Less Than Zero for the classic example of this phenomenon. I think that, if I managed actors, I would tell only untalented ones to ever . . .

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