Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is the TEST shipment you asked for

  • 21:18 Project Runway premiere party = awesome! So glad I left the house. Set TiVo to record & actually hear show at home after. Now groceries. #
  • 17:27 Giving in to peer pressure & heading to Project Runway party even tho daylight. Even put on makeup. Altho put makeup on crooked. #
  • 13:17 @naellis @jeremy_goldberg I'm not an attorney but I believe dismiss w/o prejudice means w/o guilty or not. #
  • 10:36 I give up. Obviously not getting more sleep. Boing to make a latte & start the day. May be too sleepy to make it to Project Runway shindig.
  • 10:34 @naellis OMFG Did you see Jim Oltersdorf was recently vindicated of Federal charges for bear-baiting?! #
  • 05:33 @naellis Ha, ha, I think if you reply at the site emails it to him. I'm at a loss 4 what to say LOL #
  • 03:09 Why must I be up at 3am fretting about TV shows & such which steal my work while I struggle? Exhausted. Think suing'd help me sleep better? #
  • 02:19 Dear Fellow Americans, our only serious export for past 30 yrs is media. China won't sugardaddy us forever, so maybe info shouldn't be free? #
  • 09:27 I'm seriously disinclined to make biz purchases from salespeople who can't handle a simple email-don't-call request. Esp outside biz hrs. #
  • 09:25 @V6ughn live in the city where the dreams come true ... #
  • 09:09 Dear Los Angeles: I understand civic pride for our #1 helicopter fleet, but please stop hovering them all in Hollywood in mornings #
  • 09:07 @WebairMike Maybe the Tpike will smell better ;-) #
  • 21:58 Heading out to bowling now. Wearing Cookie Monster shirt for Peter Pan theme of extended childhood. #
  • 02:19 @EroticTy Thank you very much! You just greatly improved my night :-) #
  • 01:34 Progress always comes w/ discouragement. Carded for $1,100 by Houston guy. Guess someone feels threatened by upgrades. #
  • 12:11 @docbrite You got kicked off FaceBook for impersonating yourself?! WTF FB? That's kinda hilarious in an awful way. #
  • 11:12 Webmaster pals: Completed massive upgrade to CCBill or Epoch, custom thumbs, RSS, banner rotator, fancy fancy. #
  • 20:04 Went to sleep 5am. Woke up 8am. Went to sleep 1pm-ish. Up again. Can't seem to just sleep 7-9 hrs in a row & be done w/it this week. #</li>
  • 23:43 I'd say Doctor Who finale had issues but just read my minus Jack naked. #
  • 23:40 @funkatron No robot sex means you are entitled to a refund. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood