Wednesday, July 07, 2010


  • 11:18 RT @BlueBlood New SFW post: Devil Goat & Gothic Witch Dolls Need New Home #
  • 17:40 People always say vice biz - sex booze gambling - is recession-proof. This means we are in a Depression and not just a recession. #
  • 17:43 @chickgonebad @lamaupin Huffington Post generally doesn't, ya know, pay writers so most contribs have agenda or want exposure #
  • 21:15 @damon_banner Heard that & not buying free porn is to blame. Non-adult side of my biz & almost everyone I know is
    down too. Unemployment etc #
  • 21:20 @Fatty_D Hey, hotness, good seeing you. Check out what I found! #
  • 21:41 RT @funkatron No matter what, making Spaz was worth it, because one time I saw HIllary Duff posting with it. Goodnight. #
These are the href="">Tweets</a> of the Starship Amelia G from Blue Blood