Thursday, August 26, 2010

Halcyon Gets Ready for the Playa (PICS)

Halcyon Gets Ready for the Playa

by Amelia G : August 25th, 2010

halycon pink blonde mohawk

Watching Halcyon get ready to go to Burning Man is always enough to make me wish they held it at a four star hotel, instead of the insanely hot desert. I’m addicted to hot baths and cool air. Honestly, I pretty much wilt, if my environment gets too hot for too long, although a dry heat is easier. We all have our crosses to bear.</p>

Anyway, despite being on the box for Splat hair dye, I’m pretty sure he still uses Jerome Russell Punky Color (same as me). The blonde sides are just a transitional look, before he goes the full Cupcake Pink distance to go with his Playa outfits.

Halcyon has a philosophical inspirational DVD, called Love More, Fear Less, which he will be giving out (gifting) at the Burn, so . . .

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