Friday, October 29, 2010

Avatar Porn (This Ain't James Cameron ... Or is it?)

How to screen a movie and porn parody – Avatar and Avatar XXX Double Feature Funtime

by Amelia G : October 21st, 2010

avatar porn

A long time ago, in a land far from here, my punk rock group house Cambodia held a screening of a double feature of Edward Scissorhands and Edward Penishands. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Edward Scissorhands was in fact the better movie, but it was still a really fun night. With Hustler releasing This Ain’t Avatar XXX 3D, this came to mind. If you show your own fabulous double feature, always play the original movie first and then the porn parody or the adult video won’t make sense to viewers who haven’t seen the first one.

Having personally participated in painting up a lot of red devil girls for Barely Evil and even a science fiction green creature from the sexy lagoon for Erotic Fandom, I have extra admiration for the job head makeup artist Lee Garland did on the Avatar creatures. One of the difficulties in shooting anything really explicit with body paint is that the paint tends to come off. Apparently, leader actor Chris Johnson, who played the XXX porn parody Jake Sully from Avatar, was blue for days, during the production of This Ain’t Avatar XXX 3D. Lee Garland explains, “We used an alcohol-based paint so that it wouldn’t sweat or rub off during the film’s most important scenes. In fact, I believe we used over forty bottles during the whole production. At more than fifty dollars a bottle, you can imagine what kind of finances went in to airbrushing the actors blue.”

Okay, I was probably still more turned on by the original Avatar. (Yeah, I’m a dork and I thought Avatar was hot, only movie I bothered to see in the theatre last year.) But the porn version is a cut above what porn parodies usually bring to the table and it is so convenient to view on the Hustler site now. The blue substance is not unobtainium but viagratanium. You know you have to check it out. We have a SFW free Avatar porn gallery here on for your safe viewing pleasure and I recommend checking out the Hustler XXX version of Avatar when you are either safely alone or in a living room full of degenerate punk . . .

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