Tuesday, September 30, 2003


This is an arty old self portrait I did when I was first really learning how to use a camera:

Monday, September 29, 2003

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Sometimes it is really pretty okay to be me

So the old friend I emailed was still checking that address. She actually doesn't live in Los Angeles, but happens to be here through Tuesday. And she was just thinking of me too. Weird synchronicity.

So, in the spirit of taking some me time, I spent like the entire day today having really a lot of sex. Other people take real weekends, but I'm a workaholic, so I feel a little guilty but pretty fucking good too. So I'm behind on my site updates, although I did just post a Raven Dorman set to GothicSluts.com Also I'm really sore. Another excellent excuse to avoid returning my trainer's calls for another week.

Actually, I've lost ten pounds and gained kind of a bunch of muscle this past month.

And my wisdom tooth sockets are finally starting to heal.

Got a bunch of new energy, but figuring out where to allocate it is a trick. Giving rise to a fuck of a lot of soul-searching.

I feel like Rip Van Winkle, like I've been asleep for a few years and now I'm like whoa where did the time go . . . but the world better look out now because I've been running at maybe 1/10th capacity for quite a while. Now that I am feeling more like myself, it will probably be good for a lot of people, but I will also be more of an unstoppable juggernaut and I suspect that will cause some folks who thought they were just about to get it up to compete with me to feel pretty bad. Good.

Back to site updates for me.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Tidying My Human Relations

Once upon a time, there was a girl I was really close friends with. We were closer times when she didn't have a boyfriend because she was one of those chicks who really really adapts to her man and sometimes likes to rewrite history in the process. But we were tight in varying degrees for twelve years. Early this month, I found myself wondering what to get her for her birthday and then realized that it had been years since that was an issue. Earlier today, I sort of dumped someone I wasn't even dating because I obviously was not going to be able to be friends without sexual tension. I started speaking to my father again this year, partly because I got some new information about the things which upset me and partly because he was coming up on the age his father died at. I thought I would want to talk things out with him, but really I just wanted to be able to say hello to him from time to time, hear his voice on the phone. I've found a bunch of people from past lives through journal stuff. Makes me want to be more personal and real here. Really trying to figure things out and tidy up my human relations. I wish I could talk to my grandmother about what I'm thinking about, what I'm going through. I think she would get it. Of course, she is dead and she went crazy before that. Just found out an ugly family secret about what killed her which is really fucking with my head. Anyway, I hope my old girlfriend calls me or emails back because I just dropped her a line. Not that I want to tell her about the other things I wrote here. I just want to get my house in order and that human contact is part of it.

Maybe this is too personal, but I can always delete it later and post some tittie pictures.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Thanks a lot Vaughn

you are the scene in
You are the discontent at the heart of us all. The
sodden anger that is left when all excuses fail
their parity tests, when all of our friends
have left us, when the wind ceases its singing
and becomes a low, lonesome wail. Relish this
moment of abandonment, of disappointment. Let
the rage and anger have their sway. You have
been too accepting for too long, have allowed
too many injustices to sweep over you. Become
one with this anger. You are the searing flame
that purifies the world. And it's a really
stupid-looking phone, too.

which clip from a Guns 'N Roses video are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Interviews are hard

I just finished answering these interview questions about how I got started. I miss doing punk rock print zines in a house with thirteen people with funny-colored hair plus couch surfers where we regularly staple-gunned a cockroach to the wall as a warning to the others. I miss throwing legendary punk rock bacchanalias. Barely anyone who reads my journal is going to even know what I'm talking about, but I'm really missing old Cambodia today.

If I try to trade in my Town Car for something sporty and convertible, somebody please bitchslap me.
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A quiz to lighten the mood

Gucci model in black skintight suit
Gucci. Sophisticated yet sensual, you are cutting-
edge. Extremely classy, your attitude can
sometimes be described as snobby. However, you
are always elegantly outfitted in the latest
trend. You are modern and usually serious, but
sexual at the same time. As far as guys are
concerned, you tend to go after the rich CEO.
Guys love your tough-girl attitude and can't
resist your bold charm.

Which fashion designer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Me at Bar Sinister with Toddy and Tim. There was another pic of me which looked really flattering in the camera but didn't post. I appreciate the guys showing the flag though.
Blue Blood Banner Contest, Dark Fashions, Gothic Sluts Radio

- Amelia G & Forrest Black's Photography Featured on Dark Fashions
- Big Radio Interview with Amelia G
- Blue Blood's Gothicsluts.Com Updates
- Blue Blood's Barelyevil.Com Updates
- Blue Blood's Rubberdollies.Com Updates & Topsites
- Rubberdollies.Com Banner Contest
- Blue Blood Model Call
- Contact Reminder: Jps.net e-mails discontinued, West Hollywood snail

The wonderful and talented folks at Dark Fashions have designed a beautiful gallery featuring the photography of Forrest Black and Amelia G from http://RubberDollies.com. It is the newest entry in the gallery section and you can get to it directly at http://www.dark-fashions.net/dark00/shi11/shi11.htm You can also check out their topsites at http://www.dark-fashions.net/fetish-top50/rankem.php?action=in&id=FE1526

The biggest station in the Blue Blood crew's old stomping grounds of Washington, DC just interviewed Amelia G for a half hour on the air. The main topic was http://GothicSluts.com but the discussion did wander to Satanism, fashion, Marilyn Manson, sexual fantasies, and who you could bring home to meet the 'rents. There were many complaints phoned in. Whoo-hoo! Bill O'Reilly does have a call-in show on the same station, after all. Big kiss to El Jefe for the coverage! Have to do it again soon.

Gothic Sluts welcomes Mistress Lydia Lashes to the site in her first pictorial shot by Amelia G and Forrest Black. This girl's gorgeous smile, fair skin, and long sleek dark hair have got to be seen to be believed! You also need to see the Mary Jane video.

Barely Evil has hot new Forrest Black and Amelia G-lensed sets of Szandora in a huge luxury bathtub and Scar taking off the outfit she wore to perform at the SWAG party. Plus check out Deja Chan and new stuff of Eva Klench!

Rubber Dollies, the newest Blue Blood site, has 250 new pictures so far this week. Updates include a brand new set shot by Amelia G and Forrest Black of the incredible busty Maitresse Jennifer from The Nuns in some heavy latex. This site is going to be HUGE. If you would like to get your banner up on the Rubber Dollies topsites, just head on over to http://www.RubberDollies.com/links.html and sign up. The more visitors you send to the site, the more visitors you will get back and it is all automated to keep it fair. Special thanks to Fetus de Milo, Batty, Maitresse Jennifer, and Darenzia for your help promoting Rubber Dollies right out of the gate!

Blue Blood's RubberDollies.com is brand new and now you can be a banner designer for the site!

First Prize $250 + a year membership in another Blue Blood site if the
best banner is made by an Rubber Dollies site member, $250 only for a nonmember
Second Prize $100 + a six month membership in another Blue Blood site if the
best banner is made by an Rubber Dollies site member, $100 only for a nonmember
Third Prize $50 + a one month membership in another Blue Blood site if the best
banner is made by an Rubber Dollies site member, $50 only for a nonmember

RULES: The competition starts now and runs through Halloween. Design the best banner you can in one of the following sizes: 468x60 or 120x60 or 88x31. Format should be jpeg or gif and not too big a file. If you are not a member of the site, you may only use the images in the zip file from the page at http://www.rubberdollies.com/contest/ to make banners. If you are a member of the site, you may use any image in the Features area of the site only. You may enter as many times as you like. Banners are permitted to contain nudity, but there is no requirement that they do. Just think about what you think people will click on, although of course banners may not indicate content which is not on Rubber Dollies. All banners become property of Blue Blood. You may submit your banners at any time to rdbanners@gothicsluts.com with the subject heading "RubberDollies.com Banner Contest". It is preferred that you not zip your attachments. You may email multiple submissions at different times. Upon passing the initial judging process, finalist banners will be put into rotation across the Blue Blood network as they are approved. Winners will be picked from the finalists by a combination of how many people click on your specific banner and what percentage of the time your banner is clicked on when it shows. Statistics will be gathered through Halloween. Winners will be announced November 3.

With the new site, Blue Blood has some special new needs for models. In particular, if you have a cool look and a latex wardrobe and are comfortable posing nude, then Forrest Black and Amelia G would potentially like to book you to shoot. Please send a couple of jpegs of what you look like to sadistintern@blueblood.net with information about what you are comfortable with/interested in doing on camera, what sort of wardrobe you have and enjoy, what sites and magazines you would most like to appear in, and what city you are located nearest. There are definitely some near future opportunities for Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco-based models.

You probably all know this by now, but, if you still have any of the JPS.net e-mails in your address book, delete them as they have been discontinued. Do not attempt to get in touch using Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, or Beverly Hills contact info. All swag, contracts, review materials, requests for interviews, cases of Moet, etc. should be sent to:

Blue Blood
8033 Sunset Blvd #4500
West Hollywood, CA 90046


Amelia@BlueBlood.net & Forrest@BlueBlood.net

Not as loopy as I thought

So apparently I'm not actually a lunatic. I really do have a urinary tract infection. Fortunately my gyno did a phone consult and didn't make me go to Beverly Hills in traffic under the circumstances. Prescription was fucking expensive, but it is starting to work already, so I would say totally worth it.

Apparently, drinking a lot recently is the likely cause of said infection. I don't know how people who party all the time can stand it. Maybe they build up a tolerance.
I hate being a girl

I hate being a girl sometimes.

If I don't bother dressing up, then I feel sucky and alienated from my subculture and other people get to think rude things. If I do dress up, everyone on the fucking planet takes it as a sexual invitation and a bunch of my models get weird and bitchy.

In business, I feel like people don't want to take me seriously because I'm female. If I do myself up frumpy, they take me more seriously, but not seriously enough and I feel rotten. If I do myself up hot, then they have a lot more interest but they want to talk to Forrest or something when they are actually ready to close a deal. Plus they are either trying to get me alone to talk biz or they are mentioning their significant other every fucking sentence.

In fact, apparently just having an ICQ number and a female name gives everyone on the planet carte blanche to take the slightest friendly gesture as a sexual invitation.

I think having sex with people you want to be genuinely friends with makes everything complicated and short term. I feel like every time I think I'm connecting with someone new, they are thinking I AM SO GETTING WITH THAT!

Is everyone in the world just having a lot more sex than I think or am I just so the ultimate fantasy girl that, once exposed to my one-on-one charm and wit, a person just can't help wanting me?

My theory is that people just suck. But I guess that is a negative way to look at it.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Other people wish they were me

It is kind of funny because I know how many people wish they were me, but lately I just keep wishing I could enjoy the things I enjoy without the pressure of being me.

So many people want something from me and I just want some real friendship. I've got such a privacy wall up that I know I'm definitely part of the problem, but I'm really gun shy about opening up after the legion of people who have taken what they could from me and then turned on me. And I don't mean that in a Los Angeles way at all. I expect Los Angeles entertainment people to be like that, so it doesn't get in my way at all. But my subcultural identifications are getting really battered. I understand why people move to Los Angeles and their hair gets sleek and their torn clothing gets boxed up and their hearts break.

I know I've got all sorts of cool stuff going on, but I really need a vacation from being me before I forget the phone number and email address for who the core of me really is.

In the middle of shooting, so I suppose now is not the time to be in my journal. Just had to express myself.

Monday, September 22, 2003

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Sunday, September 21, 2003

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Back from afterparty. Smell like cigarettes. Must bathe.

For someone who was as spazzed out about leaving the house as I was tonight, I sure did a lot of socializing. Was pretty awesome all around too.
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Saturday, September 20, 2003

Psychosomatic Yeast Infection

Doing laundry right now. Really need some clean underwear. Probably going to an adult webmaster party thing tonight. Feel kind of nauseous just thinking about going. It is a big to-do with a lot of chi-chi-ness. And I didn't get a proper RSVP, although Forrest did, so hopefully there will be no door weirdness, if I do get my ass over there. I guess I can always leave and he can party for both of us. New clothes, freshly cut hair, no PMS to blame it on, but I'm pretty sure going to this thing involves leaving the house and being around other people and away from my computer. Open bar. Decent food. At least three people present who I like and at least two I will recognize. Lots of people I know from online. This should be fun. I feel like I'm getting a yeast infection or urinary tract infection or something, but I know it is probably just psychosomatic, so I won't have to go. I took Monistat and cranberry juice pills last night, so I wouldn't have the excuse anyway. I know how I'll try to get out of stuff and I'm trying to be two steps ahead of myself.
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Friday, September 19, 2003


Blue Blood's RubberDollies.com is brand new and now you can be a banner designer for the site!

First Prize $250 + a year membership in another Blue Blood site if the best banner is made by a Rubber Dollies site member, $250 only for a nonmember

Second Prize $100 + a six month membership in another Blue Blood site if the best banner is made by a Rubber Dollies site member, $100 only for a nonmember

Third Prize $50 + a one month membership in another Blue Blood site if the best banner is made by a Rubber Dollies site member, $50 only for a nonmember

RULES: The competition starts now and runs through Halloween. Design the best banner you can in one of the following sizes: 468x60 or 120x60 or 88x31. Format should be jpeg or gif and not too big a file. If you are not a member of the site, you may only use the images in the zip file from the page at http://www.rubberdollies.com/contest/ to make banners. If you are a member of the site, you may use any image in the Features area of the site only. You may enter as many times as you like. Banners are permitted to contain nudity, but there is no requirement that they do. Just think about what you think people will click on, although of course banners may not indicate content which is not on Rubber Dollies. All banners become property of Blue Blood. You may submit your banners at any time to rdbanners@gothicsluts.com with the subject heading "RubberDollies.com Banner Contest". It is preferred that you not zip your attachments. You may email multiple submissions at different times. Upon passing the initial judging process, finalist banners will be put into rotation across the Blue Blood network as they are approved. Winners will be picked from the finalists by a combination of how many people click on your specific banner and what percentage of the time your banner is clicked on when it shows. Statistics will be gathered through Halloween. Winners will be announced November 3.
What am I gonna do with my life?

A forum I frequent was just asking people what they did before doing websites. My answer:

Before this I did pretty much the same thing in print.

Have also been a stagehand, store manager, and about a billion other things.

Worst day job ever: A friend of mine and I took these helium balloons and tank and drove to a spot designated on a map. Then we had to make sure the balloons stayed aloft . . . so the airplanes dispensing pesticide would know where to spray. For some reason, although we both got really sick and couldn't finish the number of weeks in the contract, we were able to negotiate so that they paid us for the whole thing anyway.


Thinking about this reminds me of when I finished university and didn't know what to do next. I was so the girl most-likely-to-succeed. Career planning told me to be an entrepreneur. My parents told me mostly nothing and occasionally circled low-end mindless jobs with no room for advancement in the newspaper. Admin Assist this. I told my father that I wanted a career that would truly consume me, that I could be passionate about, that I need passion, intensity, rock and roll in my life, a job I would want to take home with me. My father repeated this for years after as I said, "I just wanna rock" which is fucking retarded and not something anyone who knows me could ever imagine me saying. A sometime boyfriend of mine offered to get me a job as a junior management consultant. Unfortunately, he described it as me being sort of his secretary but more important, so I told him to keep his sexual fantasies to himself.

I guess I have a bunch of different jobs now. I don't really know what to say I do when people ask, it feels so complicated, but I guess it works out.

A friend of mine from school just wrote to me and when I told him what I was up to, I said I apparently take photos of naked people and party with rock stars. It is not 100% fullfilling, but it is more or less what I set out to do.

I don't know what I really want to be doing. Feeling kind of low on the fullfillment meter today. Don't think I'm still hungover.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Went to see a friend's band play tonight. Supposed to be at an afterparty now but can't bring myself to leave the house again. Got food poisoning the night before last and didn't eat anything but half a smoothie yesterday. Went drinking with a webmaster I know mostly from online. Man, note to self, do not attempt to match drinks with an adult webmaster because some of those guys can really drink. And there was that whole empty stomach thing too. I think I had a conversation about music with my drinking bud which was so good and real and un-LA that I lost track of time. Either that or I blacked out for a few. I practically never drink and I've gotten actually drunk, really drunk, twice this week. Can't tell if this means something or is just an odd confluence of factors. Once was to get a big radio interview and once to attempt to make human contact in person and make a new friend. I didn't used to be too freaked out to leave the house, but more and more, I find the whole leaving my cave thing to be a tense and unsatisfying practice.

Went to get my hair cut today. Contemplated suicide to avoid getting up this afternoon when my alarm went off. Got up anyway. My hairdresser felt so bad for me as he pulled on my hair to get the cut right. I told him not to worry because I was tough and could take it and deserved it. In a weird way it actually helped clear my head. Driving to OC to go to the only guy I trust did not help my head, but it had to be done. In a minute, I am going to watch this week's OC on TiVo, eat some leftover pulled pork, and hopefully get to sleep. I still have not figured out what I find so compelling about that show. It is the sort of thing I would not normally be into. Been feeling a bit not myself lately.

After my haircut, I wanted to wait out rush hour and Saks was having this bizarre thing where the Ritz-Carlton was catering. Had a couple of teensy snack things and a bunch of Pelligrino courtesy of the Ritz. Bought some clothes which I actually need as my wardrobe is getting kinda thin. Whole thing was really surreal. They had a guest plastic surgeon as one of the speakers for the event. I live in Southern Cali indeed. Very surreal.

Here is a late night self-portrait of my new haircut after a night on the town . . . drinking bottled water:

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

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Saturday, September 13, 2003


Just finished doing a radio interview about GothicSluts.com with a station in my old stomping grounds in DC and I'm REALLY plastered. I didn't think I was drinking that much, but I was nervous and I had the Moet already ...

It went really well and was a lot of fun.

Then dingopariah returned the message I left on his cell phone to confirm that it was a real radio show. We complained about politicians for a while and the way of the world. We are not old yet, but we are trying.

I should go wash the purple dye out of my hair.

I should do another site update for http://www.gothicsluts.com/

Friday, September 12, 2003

When the universe is against ya

This photo was supposedly taken during a forest fire in Oregon last week and was published by Clear Channel. What does it look like to you?

Thursday, September 11, 2003

As my current thoughts don't seem to be what I want to write down, here is a re-run. How did my life get from there to here?

I once purchased and attempted to cook squid during the first month I was living in a new group house. Normally, I enjoy squid sliced, coated with breadcrumbs or seasoned flour, and deep fried. In this instance, however, I had purchased the squid whole as that is how it was packaged at the supermarket where calamari was on special super sale. I purchased my own oil as we had agreed as a house that communal ownership of such items would only lead to abuses. When I got home, I realized that (1) my good frying pan was being used to store someone else's food in the refrigerator, (2) the remaining frying pan was losing its cooking surface in an endless torrent of brown, nonstick dandruff, (3) we had no knives sharp enough to cut raw squid, and (4) I had forgotten to get flour anyway.

So I tried to broil an entire squid body. This made the house smell kind of funny. The scent of whole broiled squid is not as pleasing as that of properly prepared and fried calamari slices. I think maybe there are like innards or something which need to be removed before heating.

So my housemates bitched and moaned. So I did the considerate thing and menaced them with the remaining raw squid, while I waited for my meal to finish cooking. I finally put one of the raw squid on one of my housemates' bare back. Now this was a guy who collected guns and put fishhooks through his body parts in public for fun. So naturally he ran through the living room, shrieking, "Get it off! Get it off me!" The offending crustacean (What phylum do squids belong to anyway?) eventually slipped off his back and fell on the floor and believe me, even that early on in our occupancy, there was no way I was going to eat anything which had been on a group house carpet. It turned out that broiled squid was pretty inedible, at least the way I had prepared it, so I accepted a lease-long ban on squid in the house.

I could cook both before and after my residence in this group house, but there was something about that kitchen which caused cooking disasters. I would find myself looking through the bottom of a melted pot or offering a date a semi-burned grilled cheese sandwich and commenting, "Looks don't last; cookin' do." Just by reheating something garlic-y in the microwave, one of my housemates once made one of two drunk guys who were making out on top of our stove vomit all over the kitchen floor. When they continued to make out on top of the stove afterwards, he threatened to turn on the burners. I don't think he meant it in a homophobic way; it was just kitchen cursing us.

I tried to switch to eating things like cheap flank steak purchased in econo-packs, but the guy I put the squid on kept eating all my beef and claiming he mistook it for his own and excusing his theft my pointing out that he had let me taste it and he was a decent cook. Come to think of it, I think I was the one reheating something garlic-y in the microwave (although not the one threatening to cook the couple.) Maybe the kitchen spirits were just commenting on my taste in food no housemate would want to lift.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Mission Accomplished

Now in possession of Moet and sushi. I think I will watch The O.C. on TiVo before getting back to work. Yeah, The O.C. Anyone else watching this show?

I really need to scour my brainpan and just think about work.

I'm never going to make these next three deadlines.
Going to go to the grocery store before they close and buy a couple bottles.
I fucking hate people
Some cunt I never heard of just spammed some heavy metal fest happening in October in Forrest's thread about losing his father. If it were someone I thought he knew and she was suggesting he go to something say tomorrow night because it might be fun or uplifting or something, that would be cool or at least okay, depending on the suggestion. But just posting a press release in response to something that personal and awful . . . grrr.
Ugh, having some trouble feeling like doing anything. Having a good helping of existential angst.

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Getting out of town. Totally frazzled. Extra frazzled trying to get ready. So many things I wanted to get done before leaving. Ah well. Hope to come back both accomplished and refreshed . . .