Monday, February 16, 2004

Korean meditation apparently involves push-ups

So I got up really really early today. Picked up groceries at Ralphs. Ate breakfast. Worked on the computer for a while. Picked up groceries at Mayfair. Ate lunch. Ran errands. Went to the gym and worked out. Worked on the computer some more. Bathed. Met friends to somewhat inexplicably go to CostCo. One friend didn't buy a new TV. The other friend did my makeup and did an awesome job and the TVless one took photos of me. I hope they turned out good. It was sort of dark and he was experimenting with a new camera and he was passed out for a bunch of the evening because he is ill. He is really good, though, so probably the pix will be.

Then my friend invited me to try out Korean meditation. Do not be fooled. Korean meditation apparently involves push-ups. She once showed up at a party and apologized for being exhausted because she had just meditated for eight hours. She is in great shape and all, but I can't imagine. The mind boggles.

Met Forrest at a sports bar. Ate some fries. Went home and ate actual food from Mayfair.

Got ICQ from webmaster I promised some text today. I figured I could take part of today off because I had assigned said text to, not one, but two different people. With one hour left in today and a request from me to have said text by close of business, I have no text from either party. Told webmaster that I hoped at least one of the people I had working on this is actually working on it and not doing shots. He decided to go to bed. I think I will do the same.

Ah excellent, there is one writer on ICQ now. Off I go.