Thursday, February 26, 2004


The reading went really well. I did not throw up and no one threw rotten veggies at me. Many people said nice things. Hopefully I was not too flustered and shy to say the appropriate things in reply.

Prior to this, I had only read my fiction once before. Susie Bright got me to read at the Best American Erotica release party at Slim's in San Francisco. Although there were more than 200 people at that performance, the audience was shrouded in darkness, so that made it easier. I am usually resistant to doing readings, but I couldn't say no to Susie Bright. I mean, I was pleased to be included in Best American Erotica and . . . performing at Slim's . . . well, venue opened by Boz Scaggs, regularly voted best venue in America, and if it's good enough for Rancid . . .

So, after accepting an original short story of mine for inclusion in his wonderful edgey new anthology, Clint Catalyst was like aren't I special too. He is and, after Susie, I wasn't a virgin any more, so there I was at my second reading.

(Most people reading my journal probably know this, but I've had my writing published approximately a zillion times and this is only the second time I've read it in front of an audience.)

I felt really honored to be sharing attention with the cast of authors reading this evening. Plus it was an additional honor to be doing the reading at such a taste-making place. I'm still a little jangled from it all.

Our illustrious editor Clint Catalyst read of course. The other folks reading are all also super duper on top of performing what they write: Shawna Kenney, Pleasant Gehman, Trebor Healey, Horehound Stillpoint, and Alvin Orloff. Everyone was awesome, so it was really enjoyable to be there. The anthology is set in our world, a milieu which is so often glossed-over or misrepresented in literature. Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache, baby! Mark Ewert, who is also in the book, didn't read but came to hang out and was really charming.

I might be out of town for the Los Angeles release party for the book, but I hope to attend if I can work my schedule right. Oh yeah, and, by the way, I got back to La-la-land on the late side yesterday.

Talked to my friend Jovana on the way back from the reading. She is planning to come to Los Angeles the end of March to shop her cool clothing line. Yay! Glad I talked to her before making my Arizona reservations, so I can be sure to be here.

Couldn't eat much before going to the reading. Thought it imprudent anyway. Think I will go forage now.