Monday, May 31, 2004

Don't you hate when . . .

Finally getting back up to speed and caught up on a new computer. Long rant about buying this thing probably coming later. For now, amusing search engine results:

Blue Blood is now the #2 Google result for a search on don't you hate when and #20 in Australia for beer bottle sex.

That is just too funny

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Funny thing about subculture is that, for me at least, it is partly a search for meaning. Just got off the phone with my mother. Had a death in the family. Trying to figure out funeral stuff. I'm no good with this life and death stuff. I haven't even gotten past the spiritual plateau of man's inhumanity to man. Sometimes I believe I can change the world by wishing hard enough. I really don't like the things that wanting can't fix.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Ha ha ha ha . . .

So my host just shut down a server attack. I have more than one dedicated server now, so if one is attacked, stuff can just be shifted and it doesn't slow anything down that much.

I'm feeling pretty darn good because (a) I ate a good dinner and (b) when enough people mess with my online stuff, that means I am doing something right.

So . . . who feels threatened by the fabulous new redesign for It is pretty damn excellent. The rest of us are going to have fun talking on the Blue Blood boards and those who feel threatened are cordially invited to stew in their own bile.

PS Szandora - you know you rock and I love you, but don't feel limited on what you can say because Forrest or I feels limited on what we can say. I just might start that shitlist ;-) But both of our time is spent better on other things.

Ya know what tastes really good? Yellowtail and avocado sushi and Perrier. Living in Los Angeles is really excellent for grocery store shopping.

Allow me to clarify that when I said, "For one thing, this cow who is stalking me has done everything from toy insertion to boy/girl hardcore and it was not all artistically presented." This was NOT what Forrest Black and I shot of her. These were shoots she did for other people. We shot her mostly for magazine covers and profiles where we did our best to make her sound as cool as possible.
I hate model politics. There is one over-the-hill model whose name Forrest and I totally made and she has repaid us for hooking her up by using her impressive name as leverage to poison good relationships I have with models who are younger or have taken care of themselves better.

So there is a model I have not worked with in a while. A model who broke a pretty major contract with me which I let slide because she told me she wanted to concentrate on being a good mother. I thought I would be a jerk to hold her to what she agreed to under those circumstances, so I let it slide. Only she has continued modeling and I don't mean with her clothes on and in wholesome family entertainment. This is a girl we watched movies with and kids shows and had fun with and the fact that there was a personal relationship also made me feel like I should let the issue go.

Only she is shooting for sites in my program anyway. And Szandora wanted to do a shoot with her. I'm not usually on AIM, but I happened to be today and saw this girl on. Szandora was just in town, so I dropped the girl a line. It went something like this:

AmeliaG2000: Hey CensoredName, when you get back to LA, I'd like to do a shoot with you and Szandora. Rate for you is still $Censored$ flat if you have the time. sorry to see you've been feeling sick. Sometimes travel is just tough on a body.
CensoredName: Ame; know I don't do porn stuff
AmeliaG2000: Have I ever shot "porn" with you?
AmeliaG2000: Have you ever see "porn" of Szandora?
CensoredName: yes..with the blue hair
CensoredName: i have to run off to a session now..
AmeliaG2000: Have you not liked some of the pix we've shot of you? You seemed happy at the time.
AmeliaG2000: You said you liked the pix, so I assumed you did.
CensoredName: yes i liked them
AmeliaG2000: You know I would never want a model to do any pose she was uncomfortable with
AmeliaG2000: I think you and Szandora would get along
AmeliaG2000: and I know she would like to do a shoot with you
AmeliaG2000: But you've done harder core girl-girl shoots than she ever has, so I'm sure we could come up with something where you were well within your comfort zone
AmeliaG2000: You are shooting for my sites anyway, so is there some problem I should know about?
CensoredName signed off at 7:58:00 PM.

WTF? I swear Kelly Lind is my hero for having the balls to post his shitlist of models he feels have behaved badly. I hate the thing where there are people who have personally had good experiences shooting with me who don't want to shoot again because one fat bitch told them a bunch of outright lies. What bothers Kelly is different from what bothers me, but I am thinking about following his example.

I am really sick of people who nod knowingly and tell me they know the whole story with me and the aforementioned over-the-hill pro domme. *I* don't know, so how can they? Forrest has offered to discuss the issue publicly with the girl and she can't shut up about it behind our backs, but does not have the nerve to face us either.

If said professional domina is telling someone who likes the pictures I've shot of her in the past that shooting with me equals porn, that is just absurd. For one thing, this cow who is stalking me has done everything from toy insertion to boy/girl hardcore and it was not all artistically presented.

To me, the important thing is how the work is presented, not how explicit it is. I started off shooting real life couples doing what they really like to do. Way before all the internet money turned so many people into such assholes.

PS The Blue Blood boards are fun and interactive and involve a lot less complaining that lj.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


So Forrest and I have been working like crazy on relaunching I really appreciate all the cool people who have done writing and photography and modeling for this project and special thanks too to the folks who tested out the forums and stuff before we went live. I guess I need to start working on newsletters and stuff like that, but mostly I am so relieved to finally have the site redesign live. I am somewhere between wet and nauseaous. Kinda both really. Lemme know whatcha all think. If you find anything weird, please let me know because it just went live within the past hour and I'm crazy nervous about it. Oh, and sign up for the boards and make a couple of posts and click around to profiles and stuff because those were really complicated and the thing most likely to have something I want you all to let me know about.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Lazy Fucker

So I'm finally done with the last course of antibiotics, but I still feel like death in a blender. Just with less of a sore throat/can't breathe thing going on.

Got back the results of the last round of blood work and apparently I'm producing antibodies to some foods I would really rather not be. Apparently one of the reasons a low carb diet helps me is that my body produces antibodies to fight off wheat, yeast, and quinoa and to a lesser extent stuff like bananas. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

On a happy note, I am now documented as delightfully allergic to pinto beans and lima beans, both of which I have always loathed.

My period just started.

I'd really like to have a couple weeks where I was running at full steam. I told a friend on ICQ I just woke up and he called me a bum and, even though I generally adore him, I wanted to crawl through the monitor and break a bottle over his head. I hate, hate, hate not being able to work at proper superhuman capacity. I hate the weakness of my flesh. And I don't believe keeping a regular daytime schedule makes someone a harder worker, under the best of circumstances.

When I was younger, I could take a double courseload at a good school and get great grades and still have my parents tell me I was clearly lazy if I slept until noon on a particular day and thus returned a 10am call from them at 1pm. No matter that I had worked twenty hours the night before. I don't take weekends. I don't take holidays. Not Thanksgiving. Not my birthday. Nothing. And I still honestly believe somewhere inside that, if I were not such a lazy fucker, if I could just work a few more hours a day, then all my dreams would come true. That anything I lack is just because I'm not self-disciplined enough.

On one level, I know I can't think of anyone I know, my parents included, who I think works a bunch harder than I do. But, on another level, I think I probably just really screwed up taking these ten minutes to mention online that I'm still feeling under the weather. Like this is probably why I haven't really fulfilled my potential yet.