Thursday, August 05, 2004

Yay I Got the New Marquis In!

Yay, I got the new Marquis in finally. It took weeks from when they sent me mags for them to come in. Local LA folks, I'll give you yours in person. Out of town people, please send me your current mailing address here. I don't like to send $20 magazines to unconfirmed addresses. Thanks.

I'm especially pleased with the Jonno, Szandora, and Genesis LaVey stuff in this edition. It is always nice to be able to do coverage on the people who are extra good to me and really deserve it.

Wow, this means Forrest Black and I have had many pages of our work published in all but one issue of Marquis over the last three plus years. And we are some of the only American photographers to have shot a cover for them. I think the only others are Steve Diet Goedde and Sean McCall who shoots for the SpookyCash sites Space Girls and Vampire Sex. Whoo-hoo!