Monday, August 02, 2004

A Lot of People Sure Have Had Problems with Pay Pal Lately

So apparently a certain competitive site reported my PayPal account even though I was not using it to sell anything adult.
PayPal just told me that they decided to close my account, even though I was not in violation, because someone could "miscontrue" my intentions and think that perhaps I would sell something adult. Even though my TOS clearly state that I comply with PayPal TOS and do not accept PayPal for adult advertisements.
I don't really care about Pay Pal for accepting payments. Heck I lost thousands of dollars when they closed my business account. I accept Visa and MasterCard and pay by check and even Far East cards without them. But it is making me crazy having my personal account shut down because a lot of other people accept payment through PayPal.
Which services do other people like to get payments with?