Thursday, September 23, 2004

Reality Check

Soooooo . . . there is this promoter who has an event coming up. I first met this promoter years ago when I still lived on the east coast and was just visiting Cali when a zinester friend took me to said promoter's club night. The promoter was doing a really cool night then and he was still super effusive about how jazzed he was to have me and Forrest there etc. I liked the guy. We even supported some of his events after his stock took a downturn and they were not really the ideal ones to be supporting, but we felt that he was doing it from the right place.

He finally put a bigger event together but was always sort of weird about inviting me and Forrest to participate each year he did it. This year, he is doing the event within sight of my roof and one of my favorite Blue Blood girls wanted to perform at the event. She kind of did a freebie at it last year and was hoping to get booked properly this year. She says her performance drew more onlookers than most of the booked talent. So the promoter and I were talking about having her perform and doing some promo and all, but nothing was finalized. He wanted to not pay my girl. She was not into that. I asked him if he could offer something to help defray her expenses.

He didn't get back to me, but he did have people spam the hell out of the Blue Blood boards. One guy alone did four or five threads about the event and not in the announcements forum either. I kind of think this promoter is trying to use my talent and my web site to further his event, but does not want to even put up a link to on his.

Should I just tell my girl to go perform for free again? I feel like she should be valued and I know they do have talent they are paying and she says they are promoting with her image from last year.

Should I be annoyed by this? Not sure how to handle the situation. I don't want to end up with bad blood, but I don't want to be a chump either. The promoter might just be busy too and I don't want to overreact to nothing.