Monday, October 25, 2004


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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hate fake search engines/Call for writers and webmasters

So I've been thinking about how much lamer the web seems to be getting in some of the areas I am most interested. There are so few really cool sites any more. It seemed a few years back like everyone was working on an awesome site idea. Now the web is littered with fake search engines and cannot find servers where once there were sites. This really bums me out. So I am going to do something about it.

Do you have an idea for a site you would like to do, but you don't have the dough for hosting or the knowhow to get it going? If so, contact with your proposal or private message AmeliaG at Please provide info on what you would like to do, why you are qualified to do it, and what you will need to do it.

I will accept both sites which are going concerns in need of hosting and new concepts in need of nurturing. I may be willing to purchase an existing site, if I feel it serves the community. I may in rare instances be able to pay writers to do work for hire on a particularly useful idea.

I am just really sick of going to URLs where sites in the scene used to be, only to find a fake search engine in their place. And I am going to do something about it.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Ow Fucking Ow

So turns out I broke my ankle yesterday. Just got back from getting it set at the doctor. Still hurts :( The appliance on my leg makes me look like a really uncool version of something from Beyond Thunderdome.

I was really looking forward to going to The Brotherhood's party in San Diego tomorrow http:/ but I just have standard crutches now and I'm not sure I'll be able to get around enough. Need to decide asap so I can coordinate with my posse.

Should I still go to San Diego? I know the event will be cool and it will be fun to see Scar. And I can eat drunken shrimp.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

A Special Week

I have internet again. Apparently my old modem just gave out.

I fell on my ankle again today though. Sitting here with ice on it. It was almost better I thought, but today it did the same thing while I was just walking down the street. It just gave out, stopped responding to the messages my brain was sending it, and I fell. At least this time my ankle twisted more forward so my achilles tendon is fine. The torn tendon thing was really terrifying as that can cost upwards of $20k to attempt to repair and you can still end up a cripple.

Feeling queasy from the painkiller. Ordered food which will hopefully be here soon.

Waiting on a couple thousand scans which were supposed to be done more than a week ago. I called Tuesday to ask for status and was kind of told they hadn't started yet, but they would give me whatever they had done next Tuesday. It is a friend and they give me a good price break, so I'm not going to be too impatient, but I kind of paid for stuff early so it sucks. And, if they were done, it would allow me to take it easy on some of my current work.

Did a bunch of fall cleaning this morning and bought organizational stuff yesterday and got rid of tons of junk and was feeling mighty pleased. Hey, and I don't have to endure platitudes about at least you have your health. Bonus for me!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire

If you are one of the six or seven people who have not seen any of Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire, you should click here now.

I think it is most entertaining that Jon Stewart is actually becoming an important voice in American politics. His lead-in show right now might be puppets making crank phone calls, but I think he will eventually run for office. And win.

I must however admit that I find Tucker Carlson disturbingly hot. Like he just really needs someone to have an elegant refined quiet dinner with him and then tie him to the bedposts and make him howl. But maybe that is just me.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


The weird back pain I was getting in the mornings seems to have decided to hurt a lot more and become an all day affair. I feel like hell. Swollen and achey in way too many places. My skin is really aggravated. My brain is foggy. Not just my ankle but a bunch of my joints are popping and painful. I probably should have gotten the MRI, but they are so expensive. The weird waves in some of my fingernails are becoming more pronounced. My breasts are tender like it is my time of the month, but it isn't. I just want to crawl out of my skin.

I wish someone could just give me a regimen of eat this, drink this, take this, and excersize this in the following quantities and it will all be fine. I can handle self-discipline. Okay, if my body is producing antibodies to wheat, I can handle avoiding that, but I can't handle the seemingly endless parade of conflicting don'ts with no actual getting to feel good and healthy at the end of the tunnel.

I can't stand never knowing when I will have a good day and I don't think I can take having a whole lot more unadressable symptoms.

Friday, October 15, 2004

This Is How We Roll

A friend of mine shoots for Bookworm Bitches and about a zillion other sites. She is a busy girl, but today she just sent me pix of me and Forrest she took in the SUV Limo we took in Arizona in April on our way to the dinner thrown by the nice people who do Tranny Trouble and other sites. And we look like we are on our way some place nice too. Oh wait, we were.

Yo Bitch, Can You Spare a Dime for a Jerk?

Still feeling pretty under the weather. My foot is still too jacked up for proper exercise and some people are getting on my nerves. The number of people who pre-judge me and then come to me passing judgement with their hand out really pisses me off. Like does that ever work? The technique of telling someone that you know they suck and then asking for them to do a favor to disprove the suckitude already assumed.

I know. I know. I have received only a couple of irritating requests this week and dozens of people have been super duper cool during the same time period. Been getting a lot of emails and messages from people telling me how much Blue Blood in print meant to them and how much it changed their lives. I think relaunching has been really cool because it gives the people Blue Blood was originally intended for a place to congregate.

Just wish I were feeling healthier. The positives so totally outweight the negatives and I know I'd be better about focussing on them if I didn't feel so feverish and achey and generally brain-fogged and behind the eightball.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Been working on EroticBPM and updates all night. I am pretty sleepy now, but I am also almost done. I love the feeling of actually getting to check off a bunch of things on my massive to-do list.

Among other things, I did a write-up about Taime's new club Pretty Pussy, complete with photo gallery of course, at My favorite new pic we just posted is this one of Forrest and Taime. Hee hee.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Getting Help

Actually getting help on stuff from the people I partner with on various projects totally rules. Except for the part where I have to be awake to communicate with people working on programming and ad sales and all that good stuff. Fuck I am tired. That girlie thang Szandora and I always get at the same time is not a plus.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Trouble is on the way!

Yay! Szandora is coming to town. Trouble is on the way! This shot is from our most recent visit with her in Vegas. This set appears on both and and the cute undies are courtesy of the cool folks at Beauty Fiend.

G.R. Ezekiel Nightshades Midnight Carnival!

I know there is at least one Southern California Halloween event not to be missed! The same folks who did the X-Sanguin III event during Comic Con are kicking out the jams this October 23 with a night under the big top at their own twisted carnival. Their last two events sold out completely. You can check it out at and we're looking at giving away a couple of pairs of tickets to a few lucky Blue Bloods!

So stop by the boards at for your chance to win tickets! We will be giving away tickets for the longest thread on the board, for the best thread, and for the most new members referred, not to mention a couple of wild card lotteries. So start a thread which turns out to be a hot one and send your friends over to sign up for the boards and you could win tickets to this hot event! Fire up your engines!

Lost in Phoenix

I am soooooooooo going to do a series of shoots featuring naked girls on the merry-go-round at Griffith Park.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


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