Friday, October 15, 2004

Yo Bitch, Can You Spare a Dime for a Jerk?

Still feeling pretty under the weather. My foot is still too jacked up for proper exercise and some people are getting on my nerves. The number of people who pre-judge me and then come to me passing judgement with their hand out really pisses me off. Like does that ever work? The technique of telling someone that you know they suck and then asking for them to do a favor to disprove the suckitude already assumed.

I know. I know. I have received only a couple of irritating requests this week and dozens of people have been super duper cool during the same time period. Been getting a lot of emails and messages from people telling me how much Blue Blood in print meant to them and how much it changed their lives. I think relaunching has been really cool because it gives the people Blue Blood was originally intended for a place to congregate.

Just wish I were feeling healthier. The positives so totally outweight the negatives and I know I'd be better about focussing on them if I didn't feel so feverish and achey and generally brain-fogged and behind the eightball.