Friday, October 08, 2004

G.R. Ezekiel Nightshades Midnight Carnival!

I know there is at least one Southern California Halloween event not to be missed! The same folks who did the X-Sanguin III event during Comic Con are kicking out the jams this October 23 with a night under the big top at their own twisted carnival. Their last two events sold out completely. You can check it out at and we're looking at giving away a couple of pairs of tickets to a few lucky Blue Bloods!

So stop by the boards at for your chance to win tickets! We will be giving away tickets for the longest thread on the board, for the best thread, and for the most new members referred, not to mention a couple of wild card lotteries. So start a thread which turns out to be a hot one and send your friends over to sign up for the boards and you could win tickets to this hot event! Fire up your engines!