Friday, November 26, 2004

Someone tried to steal my domain!

Someone tried to transfer my domain away from me today. With the new ICANN rules, apparently some registrars can make a transfer go through if someone requests it and the owner does not happen to respond to the transfer request for five days. Used to be, you had to actively do something to transfer your domain. Clearly, this is going to be used by domain thieves. I sure do not understand the reason they put this new rule in place. Does anybody else understand it?

Monday, I am going to attempt to pursue finding out who was behind the transfer attempt, although the registrar does not want to give me that information. Any suggestions on how to compell them to do so? I mean, that is a pretty big deal that someone tried to steal that domain. That site is important to me. For now, I have added domain lock service to all of my domains.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Damn It

Wow. I just messaged someone I've done business with before and enjoyed many long conversations with and asked her about doing some more biz end of January and when she wanted to paint the town red with me in Vegas. She seemed kind of short with me and told me to contact another person at her company. This was odd behavior as she is usually a sweet, warm, intelligent, interesting, friendly person. She had posted on a forum I haven't really been reading lately that her husband died last night. Fuck. She didn't deserve that and I'm so mortified to have dropped her a line about hanging out and business when she has only been back from the hospital for like 12 hours or something. And she is in fucking London now, far from home, far from where I could do anything to help. I don't know whether I am going to cry or be sick. I was going to get some more work done tonight, but I think I'm done now.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I had fun today and now it is worky time for Amelia. I had fun and got a lot of work done yesterday too. Actually, this has just been a really excellent week overall.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


So, for my most recent Marquis column, I interviewed an awesome designer named Luci. When I asked Luci what contact info I should list for her, she said, "human contact is bad." I'm not sure all human contact is bad, but I'm starting to think phone and email are kinda bad. Maybe instant messenger too, but the jury is still out on that.

This is probably not a news bulletin to anyone who knows me or reads my journal, but I do not heal very well these days. I have a broken ankle. When I went in for my second set of xrays, they showed absolutely zero bone regrowth. If I am still on crutches in three months, I will have to undergo some sort of creepy bone stimulation therapy. I need help for freaking everything right now. Just getting some goat cheese on spelt bread or taking a bath is a nighmarish chore.

I was going to complain about people in general, but actually most people I know have been really awesome. (Anj -- Forrest sent you payment at double standard rate for being so cool and patient with my slow ass.) There are just a few people who have really been bugging me. I don't want to tell someone to fuck off just because I feel sucky. But, if I freaking tell someone what is going on with me, which I don't usually do with medical stuff, and they are still all pushy and think their thing should be top priority, it really bugs the hell out of me.

Most people I know have been really cool, but I just feel like hell. The stress on my body is just really getting to me.

And I did feel better when I pretty much ignored the existence of email for a few days. I think I am going to develop a schedule of only checking it a few times a week or something.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Smurf Porn

I fucking knew I had to know someone who could answer the smurf porn question. Here is the link to find out more than you ever wanted to know about smurf porn. There is no nudity at this site so I guess it might be safe for work, but I admit to having no experience with what bosses do or do not freak out about when employees are goofing off in the workplace.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Too Funny

Snarfed from Forrest Black

I Got Your Halo2

Right Here Baby!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Broken Ankles Suck & So Do Most People

Ya know, I am human and I want to be loved just like everybody else does. But I don't want it bad enough to keep giving people more more more more more, when they do not return the favor.

I realize I'm ill and my foot hurts and maybe I am just feeling cranky, but I am really fed up and the thing where people do not seem to feel like giving me any slack when I have real problems, but I am supposed to jump every time their boyfriend of two days blows his nose . . . well, it pisses me off.

I am not an ATM, yet somehow I am always way up there on the list of who people call when it is time to make rent or bail or whatever.

I am all for punk rock barter, but not when the plan is why don't I give some band tons of free work and they might work for me for a discount. And not when the plan is why don't I promote someone's projects for them and they might want extra to model for me now that they are a name. That is not fucking barter. That is disrespectful and one-sided.

I am sick of people who get enraged if there is one damn person I know who I have not introduced them to yet, but who introduce me to almost no one. I am sick of people who want an invitation to any project I am involved in who do not involve me in theirs.

I am sick of girls who are bitchy because they think I am going to steal their man or their girl. If I wanted your man or your girl, I'd have them already.

I am sick of photographers who get my models so fucked up on drugs they end up hospitalized and unable to shoot with me. Or at least deathly sick and bloated with horrible skin and unable to shoot with me.

I am sick of people who look at sexuality in such an ugly way and have such poor powers of discernment that they can't look at a dressed photo I shot without deciding it is secretly explicit, just because I am good at what I do and so is Forrest.

I am going to go watch TiVo. I never used to be a TV person. Went years without having one which got reception. But I bet CSI and Comedy Central will disappoint me less than my fellow man.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Ya know what really gets my goat . . .

This is probably going to bother some people, but I really don't give a fuck at this point. I am so eager to please. I am always thinking about other people's wittle feelings. I think it is time I got some consideration for a change.

(1) It really pisses me off that almost everyone I know gets free stuff from either the government or their family or both. I work my ass off all the time and yet I feel like there are way too many people who resent the things I have earned. If you are on welfare or have a giant trust fund, get the fuck off of my bank account. You don't know what I make and you don't know how much I give and you are in no position to judge.

(2) It really pisses me off when people have no concepts or ambitions of their own, so they want to snarf mine. For the longest time, I had no bio on my journal or anything else. I've made personal sites for other people, but the cobbler's daughter has no shoes. Finally, I add a pretty minimalist bio to my journal and MS account and I am now reading fragments of my text in other people's bios already. I suppose it should come as no surprise to me that a photographer who learned to shoot from one of my models and who has shot another one of my models in a location I selected to shoot them in . . . well, the fact that he wants to base his bio on mine -- just without the credits I have -- should come as no surprise.

(3) Wow, just when I thought people couldn't suck more, they prove me wrong. It really pisses me off when people slag the hell out of someone they do not even know and then act indignant when the person they libeled defends themself.