Tuesday, March 22, 2005

BMFs Probably Hear This All the Time

So I check my MySpace acct earlier today, right before I left for physical therapy. I almost never log into MySpace, so the messages always tend to be waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of date by the time I read them. One of them read as follows:

"i know you hear this all the time but i wanted you to know that you and forest do such great work and really have an eye for what you do. the first time i saw a blue blood cover was soooooo many many years ago, i've been a fan ever since. thanks for doing what you do! :) "

I wrote back thanking the chick who had written it, but what I wanted to say was that I don't hear that nearly often enough and I wish people who were thinking it would say it. And say it to me, not just to their friends.

Then I went to physical therapy and Samuel L. Jackson was in the bed next to me. It is pretty normal to converse with both your own physical therapist and other therapists and patients in the room while you are getting worked on. Samuel L. Jackson was a very interesting conversationalist and oddly enough, although I would have thought I'd know that amazing voice anywhere, I did not realize who he was right off. There was a curtain between us. Not everyone uses curtains, but sometimes a therapist will pull them for someone who is getting kinda naked or wants privacy for whatever reason. At a certain point, I realized that Samuel L. Jackson's therapist was working on a body part which really required no nudity and it suddenly popped into my head that he had the curtain pulled because of fame and not nudity and it suddenly popped into my head who I was talking to. The conversation was still entertaining for the rest of the session.

After the curtains were all pulled, I went to pay and Samuel L. Jackson started doing this cute little dance routine once he was sort of on display again. I thought about telling him that he is one of my favorite actors of all time. Totally one of those guys like Christopher Walken or John Cusak where I will see just about anything if they are in it.

I thought about telling Samuel L. Jackson that I think he is blow-me-away charismatic and brilliant and a talented and versatile actor. But I figured he probably hears that all the time and it might seem weird or something. The irony of this is not lost on me.