Monday, March 21, 2005

SXSW Pictures

Here are some of the snapshots from my recent journey. The whole kit n' kaboodle are at along with a more extensive write-up about the trip and conference in general. I just posted my more personal feelings in my personal journal in my last post, but there's a lot to tell.

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

SXSW was Fun with Amelia G

The last shot is trying to look innocent after having accidentally turned on the gas and nearly killed the three hundred and something people at the house afterparty in question. Hee hee.