Monday, December 26, 2005

So, although I did get to eat some yummy food and exchange a few gifts, this holiday season has mostly been crazy work-around-the-clock time for me, but so many projects have been coming to fruition, that I am having serious workgasms, I am so happy. That last push was draining, but it feels so good to have this done. This past few weeks, a number of sites I've worked on have launched or relaunched, but Blue Blood is my baby and this is an all new digital Blue Blood. I feel like Blue Blood online is finally a proper descendent of Blue Blood in print. I feel so good about this site.

Commentary most welcome. I haven't slept much lately, so, if you point any typos or whatever out to me, I will most certainly appreciate it. Unless a typo distracts you too much from how truly from the heart this is.

Much love to Forrest and Ed and all the creative photographers and artists and writers and awesome people who got in front of the camera.

So check it out, check it out, check it out already, please :-) Thanks.