Friday, December 16, 2005

Why Dedicated Salesmen Are Often Disappointing

If everybody in The Apprentice LJ community knew the question was coming, how could Randal have been surprised when Trump asked him whether he should hire Rebecca too? For a guy who was so smooth in so many other situations, I was surprised and kind of appalled that Randal seemed blindsided by the question. I understand him not wanting his win diminished by news stories suggesting a tie, but Trump had made it clear Randal had won already. Now instead of stories saying Trump has two Apprentices (or Apprenti) or stories saying second place on The Apprentice got a prize too this season, the stories are Randal is kind of a jerk but apparently won The Apprentice. The front page of Yahoo is running the headline Randal denies Rebecca, wins 'Apprentice' and running a poll with the question Trump nearly hired both until Randal nixed the deal. What would you have done? where so far 46% of respondants say he should have hired them both and 26% have selected the Fire Randal for not hiring Rebecca option.

Trump prizes loyalty and Randal just really actively didn't show it.

In my opinion, I think Randal should have expressed that he knew Trump was busy and had limited time and he hoped to benefit from Trump's guidance and wisdom as his Apprentice, but there is no reason why Rebecca should not also be hired to work on the project she chose, just not as his Apprentice because Randal was really looking forward to being Trump's Apprentice. Yes, I've had time to think about what the "right" answer would have been, but surely Randal had to have considered it.

If Randal didn't realize that question might be coming up, when everyone watching the show knew it was, then maybe he is just a salesman and not much of a businessperson. I had not realized until the final video about him tonight that the job he has at BCT is as sales outreach. Sometimes salesmen seem really nice and people make the mistake of thinking they are really good friends. So it is a shocker when seemingly warm and nice people suddenly turn on their friends and allies, but that is not the most uncommon salesguy move in the world.

I think Randal is just a very different sort of person from what I had thought. I'm disappointed.