Sunday, May 31, 2009


  • 21:21 Does anyone know why a Twitter acct's password would stop working & need to be reset every time tried to upload an icon? #
  • 21:46 @Fatty_D Tell Carlos that's super hot! #
  • 07:49 @soulcookie It is on the @BlueBlood account where the pass evaporates when attempt to upload icon #
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Saturday, May 30, 2009


  • 09:19 Is it worth taking the blame for something you did not do to make peace? #
  • 09:24 @Mugs In between but probably closer to toilet seat you absolutely did not touch. #
  • 15:48 @Very_Wiley What if the apology would involve lying about leaving the toilet seat up & apologizing removes credit for consideration? #
  • 15:57 Drag Me to Hell Interview w/ Justin Long about movie #
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Friday, May 29, 2009

Naughty is Pleasantly Distracting

New bunch of NSFW news updates for SpookyLinks Bump in the Night Blog including Blue Blood one below + naughtier shot from series:

Is it worth taking the blame for something you did not do . . .

Is it worth taking the blame for something you did not do to make peace?

For example, if someone thinks you did something you did not, is it better to protest your innocence, even if it will be time-consuming and they will never see reality, or is it better to admit false guilt and apologize and/or accept punishment for something you did not do?

Think Sasha Grey makes a good vulcan?

Free (This Ain't) Star Trek gallery on Blue Blood dot net now. Surprisingly SFW, but with linkage for those of you who don't have to watch what you eat digitally.

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)


  • 18:33 @Richard_Kadrey Ha, ha, Panic Cinema is the new Sci Fi. #
  • 18:36 @modelnicotine Taboo was one of the first mags to kick me actual cash money for photography #
  • 18:37 On Interview with Justin Long about Drag Me to Hell #
  • 20:37 Now THIS is a reasonable reason to remake Star Trek (NSFW) #
  • 20:39 @viviane212 I totally do that do, but it makes random days Xmas. #
  • 08:04 Feel compulsion to share SFW Star Trek porn pics in case #
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Thursday, May 28, 2009


  • 01:56 @Richard_Kadrey Why is every remotely good fandom project being remade now? #
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


  • 07:39 My whole 2009 so far has been alternating great stuff & horrible stuff. A lil too much rollercoaster for me gives me tummy ache. #
  • 07:40 On Interview with Christian Bale about Terminator Salvation #
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009


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Monday, May 25, 2009


  • 19:47 Listening to Californication in car at Erewhon. Friend a few blocks away, meeting for hippie food. #
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Sunday, May 24, 2009


  • 09:09 @jezinyoureye lol. Too bad camera wouldn't have picked up delicious pheremones. See you soon! #
  • 17:23 Yay! Shot @SydBlakovich & @jezinyoureye who are the kind of awesome that made me want to publish in the first place. Now to eat & rehydrate. #
  • 03:28 @Fatty_D Humina, humina #
  • 03:45 @clintcatalyst Are you merely fierce or Gatorade FIERCE? #
  • 04:05 Just hit Send instead of Save Now on Gmail email I didn't intend to send...probably ever. Oops. Time to get off computer. #
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Saturday, May 23, 2009


  • 08:55 @ForrestBlack put together this video of me interviewing @stevedietgoedde about his cool new project #
  • 14:38 Coordinating shoot stuff w/multiple people = difficult #
  • 18:45 @ChadSavage OMG thank you for that link! Awesome kid crit. Not that I've done time in the contract design trenches...oh wait, yes I have. #
  • 01:11 Today started extremely awesome-made deadline, posted vid I'm happy about, location hike, hair. Study in suck later. Just got good again! #
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Adam Lambert Should Have Won American Idol

Don't think I've posted this image here before. In honor of Adam Lambert's unjust loss on the American Idol finale last night, I thought I'd post one of the glam images ForrestBlack and I shot of him and Cheeks. There is a whole free pics gallery of Adam Lambert on along with links to almost all of the articles about him from this season.

Blue Blood
(Image Courtesy of Blue Blood)

PS Accepting model apps at


  • 22:43 RT @ForrestBlack speed w/which underdog status can be ripped from actual alternative underdogs is staggering. Kris Allen not Dark Horse #
  • 22:46 Adam Lambert will do fine but he lost to Kris Allen on American Idol because my culture sucks #
  • 23:16 @almostevil Depends what coin you were planning on paying rent in. #
  • 06:22 @V6ughn RT @V6ughn Love is not bein mad when she drinks the last beer. #
  • 06:22 @Very_Wiley Ha, ha, 5th grade fantasy perfection does put Adam Lambert sitch in perspective #
  • 06:29 @Very_Wiley Owns the boots & had own stylists not Idol's so prob has rest. Simon Fuller said b4 final 19e using Adam Lambert option #
  • 06:38 Need to add last few Adam Lambert articles of season to gallery of pics @ForrestBlack & I shot of him #
  • 06:38 @corwynj Condolences #
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


  • 01:57 A Change is Gonna Come, Adam Lambert at The Zodiac Show #
  • 02:56 Just tossed FOUR trash bags of papers & trash from under desk. Improvement but not going to win Housekeeper of the Year. #
  • 05:58 A Change is Gonna Come, Adam Lambert at The Zodiac Show #
  • 06:04 Adam Lambert & Kris Allen Choppin' Broccoli on American Idol #
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Change is Gonna Come at The Zodiac Show

A Change is Gonna Come at The Zodiac Show

by Amelia G : May 20th, 2009

The Zodiac ShowThe Zodiac Show just relaunched their brand spanking new web site with stylish Flash design. The Zodiac Show is a interdisciplinary performance showcase which grew out of underground parties at Los Angeles photographer Lee Cherry’s studio. Thus Lee Cherry and performer Carmit Bachar turned the Zodiac Party into The Zodiac Show.

Because Adam Lambert performed at The Zodiac Show, the event has been in the news on MTV and FOX Extra. An interesting trivia point is that, for tonight’s American Idol finale, producer Simon Fuller chose a song for each contestant. Simon Fuller selected Sam Cooke’s Civil Rights anthem “A Change Is Gonna Come” for Adam Lambert. “A Change Is Gonna Come” is one of the most-covered songs in American pop music history. Most recently, hard rock’s Jon Bon Jovi and soul’s Bettye LaVette performed the sing for the Obama Inauguration concert. Adam Lambert performed “A Change Is Gonna Come” to many kudos at The Zodiac Show back in 2004.

At any rate, The Zodiac Show has a nice looking new web site. Given that my first glance through showed a pic or two Forrest Black and I shot on there, I hope they add a link to once they get the site more fleshed out. Designer Rusty Segars is a wiz with the Flash and the Zodiac performances are over the top, so it is worth checking out. In honor . . .

( Read more )


  • 20:50 Anyone in Los Angles have a nifty shooting space they wanna rent me Saturday for half day? Prefer garden or cool house to sterile studio. #
  • 05:10 Do you hate to see people like you succeed? — Why Adam Lambert might not win American Idol over Kris Allen #
  • 05:10 @antiblank What is the D&D rate? #
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Do you hate to see people like you succeed — Why Adam Lambert might not win American Idol

Do you hate to see people like you succeed — Why Adam Lambert might not win American Idol
by Amelia G : May 18th, 2009

Adam Lambert Kris Allen American IdolIf you are alt-identified, yet want Kris Allen to beat Adam Lambert in this week’s American Idol finale, then you are complicit in your own oppression. Rebels who want Adam Lambert to lose must just hate themselves.

People like to fuss about sex and sexuality, but the place where Adam Lambert is actually unusual is that it is rare to see new musicians with serious larger-than-life star quality in the spotlight today. I just watched a top 20 video countdown and Eminem was just about the only one who would turn heads in a room he walked into, on force of presence alone. So it is exciting to see someone who has the right counterculture vibe with a mix of subcultures gothic, punk, hard rock, rockabilly, emo, scene and more blended together for something unique and compelling. To anyone who states people like Adam Lambert are a dime a dozen and FOX is just not in-the-know, I have to say there are a lot of people with some of that general sort of style, but not a lot with that vibe and that level of both charisma and musical talent.

To receive the same kudos as someone who comes across more normal and mainstream, I often feel like I have to work at least twice as hard and produce work which is twice as good. I would be fine with this, except for the part . . .

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  • 20:45 Yikes! This is a scary earthquake. Not as amusement park ride to me as usual. #
  • 00:36 @charliejane That sounds pretty awesome! #
  • 00:38 @corpvampire How is that a violation? #
  • 00:44 Frying low fat (cause it is sooo diet) corned beef hash, b4 watch Breaking Bad, hope 2 sleep, need to start on deadline work early tomorrow #
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Saturday, May 16, 2009


  • 11:23 @Very_Wiley I like psyllium seed and extra protein while on those. Acidopholous after. OT: What you doing for the 4th? #
  • 11:34 Working on new writers guidelines for various sites & trying (badly) to reorganize part of office #
  • 11:48 Yay! California Supreme Court just overturned Prop 8! My opinion: Don't say gay marriage, just marriage. Marriage=fundamental right #
  • 12:45 @AddamBongg Not sure how you know how much govt I want, but what do taxpayer shoulders have to do with marriage? #
  • 12:46 Well, I was all excited that I didn't have to be embarrassed for California on Prop 8 any more, but LA Times tweeted old article #
  • 12:53 @Very_Wiley Craving real fireworks. Pizza is good for all conditions. I should make bible bread bagel goat cheese pizza now. #
  • 13:06 @lamaupin Def closer! :-) #
  • 13:49 @AddamBongg The marriage tax break stopped being a break when women entered the workforce. Other people's marriages=no impact on tax #
  • 15:01 @AddamBongg Ideally govt should be for civil unions for all orientations & terminology should be personal. How are orgies like marriage? #
  • 15:09 @LAsnark How convenient is it to tote your fave firearm? If it is too big to bring to club, you prob won't shoot your face ;-) #
  • 15:22 @AddamBongg Recognized legal marriages have zero impact on taxes. People pay for marriage licenses so govt gets more $=less tax #
  • 15:45 @AddamBongg No, I asked why you say taxes have to do w/ other people's marriage & I'm telling you marriage won't impact tax 4 = incomes #
  • 18:11 @soulcookie Wasn't Hot Rod shockingly not good? I was expecting Dick in a Box or Natalie Portman Rap. #
  • 22:21 @LAsnark I figured you'd be well-endowed enough to be safe ;-p #
  • 23:14 @ForrestBlack RTOh, rock! AVN posted a pic of me interviewing @Fatty_D for What a fun evening #
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Friday, May 15, 2009


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

April Flores Toy Gallery Exhibit

April Flores Toy Gallery Exhibit

by Amelia G : May 14th, 2009

This video features Forrest Black’s interview with the beautiful muse April Flores and my interview with art show curator and contributing artist Carlos Batts and contributing artist Misha (who enjoyed one of the tickets won by MorningStar in our Sisters of Mercy giveaway). Forrest Black and . . .

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


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Tuesday, May 12, 2009


  • 19:19 Can't even get enough give-a-f going today to finish drinking my iced latte. #twitterpornnames Mine is more or less: Arfydoodle Nana Milton #
  • 01:00 Facebook-just had revelation I don't recall my first roommate's name, just she didn't like all my male friends coming in via 2nd Fl balcony #
  • 01:38 If I'm thinking about such oddities as can I name everyone I ever lived with, day is officially over. Goodnight, internet. #
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Can you recall the full names of everyone you ever lived with?

Was just looking at Facebook and had the revelation I don't recall my first roommate's name. In fact, all I can recall about her was that she didn't like all my male friends coming in via our second floor balcony (even though I thought guys climbing in my balcony was awesome), she was so addicted to caffeine she had to drink a Diet Coke to relax her jones enough to fall asleep, and she was brunette.

Can you recall the full names of everyone you ever lived with?


  • 05:52 Always been a Joan Rivers fan, but Annie Duke deserved to win. Watching Breaking Bad now. Had apple sausages. Getting donuts from neighbor. #
  • 05:53 @V6ughn Float me a skills inventory or resume if you have one to amelia [at] I have gigs for cool creative folk like you often #
  • 05:56 WTF is wrong with Donald Trump that he did not express condolences to Dennis Rodman over the passing of Chuck Daly? #
  • 05:57 @BillyAntiseptic Hey, you leave for Europe on your birthday, don't you? Happy day! Have a fab trip. But please come back too ;-p #
  • 05:58 @xianvox Sounds like a killer deal. Are beef and fungus extra? #
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Sunday, May 10, 2009


  • 20:07 @SpookyDan LOL Have a good show #
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Thursday, May 07, 2009


  • 12:06 Judgemental Miss California Busted for Naughty Pics #
  • 12:59 @DonStugots The pics are naughty by the Miss USA pageant's idiotic standards and she was competing in that pageant & subject to its rules #
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009


  • 21:24 Adam Lambert Photo Gallery
    now links all Blue Blood articles on him & American Idol page #
  • 23:14 @babysinead Did they actually stop showing boobs?! #
  • 23:58 @Very_Wiley indeed, although later than you due to time diff I loved so when it went the other way. Allison=tasty stick, Adam=star, Gokey=go #
  • 23:59 @Very_Wiley PS FOX needs to put you in charge of American Idol elims ASAP #
  • 00:00 @babysinead Do they seriously not 2257? They sent me the submissions packet & I saw they needed special release not just mine but not no ID #
  • 00:39 Adam Lambert Gives American Idol A Whole Lotta Love #
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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Adam Lambert Gives American Idol A Whole Lotta Love

Adam Lambert Gives American Idol A Whole Lotta Love

by Amelia G : May 5th, 2009

Adam Lambert Led ZeppelinAdam Lambert gave American Idol every inch of his love tonight on American Idol. Actually, I have no idea what I mean by that, but it seemed like the appropriate thing to say for Rock Week. After a bout with swine flu, following my bacon-eating tour of southern Arizona, I have been off writing duty for the week, but here is a quick American Idol update.

American Idol front-runner and Blue Blood fave Adam Lambert kicked off the show performing a cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love”. At first, I was not as impressed as I usually am with his performances. When the Studio 57 chick started her judge’s critique by calling Adam Lambert a “rock god”, it clicked for me what the problem was. Partly, Adam Lambert has set his own high score so high for rock numbers after doing such a rocking good job with a classic like Steppenwolf’s “Born to be Wild”. But it is more that I found myself, while I watched, comparing him to . . . well . . . Robert Plant, rather than the other American Idol contestants.

This points up a problematic career point for all creative people. When you first start getting good at something creative — singing, dancing, photography, writing, sewing plush dolls, putting rivets on leather jackets, whatever — you get a lot of positive feedback. Unfortunately, when people start to really . . .

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Saturday, May 02, 2009


  • 10:13 Good news: prob don't need root canal. Bad news: inflamed tooth nerves, mouth, throat, sinuses & must drive to Beverly Hills docs #swineflu #
  • 10:54 Endodontist can fit me in now, but so deeply do not want to drive feeling like this. Non-Angelenos note: Hollywood is far from Beverly Hills #
  • 11:24 Wow. I look like death in a blender today. Too bad endodontists don't really make house calls. #swineflu #
  • 14:45 Feel icky. Z-pak, Charles Stross, Futurama + sippy juice are new plan #swineflu #
  • 20:20 Took Zithro Fell asleep in front of Bender's Big Score. Slept through earthquake. Achey tooth action and throat crazy sore throat. #swineflu #
  • 21:17 Is it just me or is phishing really on the rise? If I'm not giving Oakland FedEx $200 4 my package I'll be salting my mouth w/soft Thai food #
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Friday, May 01, 2009


  • 15:46 :-( Scheduled dentist Wednesday. Can get emergency endodontist tomorrow. Really hope no root canal. Last hurt, cost $$$$$, had complications #
  • 22:43 @robcorddry RT @robcorddry Two things: 1. I really loved the movie Twilight. 2. I am 100% straight. #
  • 23:15 @SinnamonLove Do you help who you caddy for with golf knowledge, luck, or distract with hotness? #
  • 01:18 Depressed web server #
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