Saturday, May 02, 2009


  • 10:13 Good news: prob don't need root canal. Bad news: inflamed tooth nerves, mouth, throat, sinuses & must drive to Beverly Hills docs #swineflu #
  • 10:54 Endodontist can fit me in now, but so deeply do not want to drive feeling like this. Non-Angelenos note: Hollywood is far from Beverly Hills #
  • 11:24 Wow. I look like death in a blender today. Too bad endodontists don't really make house calls. #swineflu #
  • 14:45 Feel icky. Z-pak, Charles Stross, Futurama + sippy juice are new plan #swineflu #
  • 20:20 Took Zithro Fell asleep in front of Bender's Big Score. Slept through earthquake. Achey tooth action and throat crazy sore throat. #swineflu #
  • 21:17 Is it just me or is phishing really on the rise? If I'm not giving Oakland FedEx $200 4 my package I'll be salting my mouth w/soft Thai food #
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