Wednesday, May 06, 2009


  • 21:24 Adam Lambert Photo Gallery
    now links all Blue Blood articles on him & American Idol page #
  • 23:14 @babysinead Did they actually stop showing boobs?! #
  • 23:58 @Very_Wiley indeed, although later than you due to time diff I loved so when it went the other way. Allison=tasty stick, Adam=star, Gokey=go #
  • 23:59 @Very_Wiley PS FOX needs to put you in charge of American Idol elims ASAP #
  • 00:00 @babysinead Do they seriously not 2257? They sent me the submissions packet & I saw they needed special release not just mine but not no ID #
  • 00:39 Adam Lambert Gives American Idol A Whole Lotta Love #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood