Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Don’t Drive Angry

Don’t Drive Angry

by Amelia G : February 2nd, 2010

bill murray groundhog day punxsutawney philToday is Groundhog Day and apparently the current famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. So that means six more weeks of winter. As I’m in Los Angeles, that means that Hollywood will have more 62 degree days. Angelenos will tell you that it is 72 degrees Fahrenheit year round here and that just is not so. We even had a whole bunch of rain (with bonus flooding!) last week. Not that I’m gloating. I like to visit weather sometimes.</p>

I have to leave the house today. I am thinking about saying, “Ned? Ned Ryerson?” to every person I am asked to shake hands with today. I actually often think of that scene, particularly out at clubs or at professional events.

For any of you who may be so culturally impoverished as to have not yet seen Bill Murray’s starring turn in the movie Groundhog Day, please rectify this failing as soon as possible, but I will now give you background. Groundhog Day is a classic comedy . . .

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