Saturday, February 06, 2010


  • 15:31 @Ivy_Blue It is a good thing the govt gave your bank your tax $$$ because it sounds like their systems need work. :-/ #
  • 20:37 @clintcatalyst I had a latte and it was awesome in this weather. Learned to make pancakes this week & they're great rainy day food. #
  • 00:01 @BellaVendetta66 It is my understanding that 3Jane (corporate parent of SG) built part of MySpace & Tom started in Asian porn -- hence Tila. #
  • 00:11 @thomasroche Err, what season of Torchwood are you watching? #
  • 00:14 @Fatty_D I wonder when CA DMV stopped doing Saturdays. I guess it could save $ in this sucky economy. #
  • 00:18 Going to go play in the awesome rain now. Pancakes & TiVo later. #
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