Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Blue Blood Hearts Michael Lore’s Tits n’ Ass and Police Fantasy Football

Blue Blood Hearts Michael Lore’s Tits n’ Ass and Police Fantasy Football

by Amelia G : April 5th, 2010

My friend David J. Schow sent me this hilarious article on how a Police Fantasy Football League is the scourge of New Rochelle. Apparently, a bunch of police officers in New Rochelle like to play fantasy football and bet on the games. I’m not intimately familiar with New Rochelle politics, but betting on fantasy football seems like a pretty innocuous way to socialize with co-workers. I would guess the New Rochelle community as a whole would be safer if the local law enforcement folks got to know one another, via a PFFL or something similar, given that most groups work together better if they also have fun together sometimes too.

The outraged peeps at New Rochelle Talk have apparently edited together a Download Page for XXX-Rated Tour of NRPD P.A.C.T. Unit Officers PFFL Web site. According to City of New Rochelle Has “No Comment” on XXX-Rated P.F.F.L. Web Site Published by Current and Former NRPD Officers, if this video delivers as advertised, it will contain, among other things, “an animated image as a “naked” “female” snowman passes by a “male” snowman is aroused, his penis appears and grows so large that he tips over, face first, into the snow” and “A Powerpoint Slide Show of five photos of a transexual.” I tried to watch the video, but it was too boring. Can somebody else please watch it and tell me whether or not this video is a derivative work based in part on some of my photography?

Full disclosure: This is extra-humorous to me because I attended religious school in New Rochelle for a while, when my family lived in Westchester. My brother got in trouble there (at school, not with the law) for doing a successful judo throw on a bully twice his size and age. New Rochelle also had a toy store with Transformers types of toys and a pet store with a cool fish tank section nearby and I liked both of those.

Tits ‘N’ Ass’ Team and the Nude Woman with the Chainsaw Penis

chainsaw.jpgThe single most disturbing team and team web site in the PFFL is Michael Lore’s team Tits ‘N’ Ass which displays an image of a nude woman holding a large chainsaw (right). A Google image search for “nude tattoo chainsaw” returned, as the first result, the same photo on Lore’s team page. The woman in the photo models, acts and performs under the stage name “Spurna” and she is described as a “goth” porn star on several web sites which we will not link to here. The image on Lore’s site were copied from Barely Evil, a goth porn site. They were part of a series of photos taken at the home of David J. Schow a well-known horror writer whose film credits include screenplays for A Nightmare on Elm Street . . .

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