Tuesday, April 13, 2010


  • 13:00 @Very_Wiley Net pots are trending on the search engines today. Apparently good for hay fever. Thought of you. #
  • 19:53 @almostevil Glad to be of service. Nice chatting with you :-) #
  • 19:54 @dominadoll Any time! Thanks for writing such cool stuff :-) #
  • 19:55 Got Römertopf as awesome gift. Soaking now. About to embark on attempt at family recipe. Wish me luck. #
  • 21:29 @janewiedlin healthcare bill has as much 2 do w/healthcare as Patriot Act has to
    do w/patriotism. 4-profit nongovt insrce costs>healthcare. #
  • 01:45 Wish landscape of US political debate included serious discussion of paying for medical care instead of cheerleaders for warring HS teams. #
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