Tuesday, July 21, 2015

BLT on Zine Wiki

As I continue to delve into internet records of BLT, I keep coming across all sorts of neat things. The site Zine Wiki uses a Wikipedia sort of interface to cover all sorts of zinester history. Topics range from zinester stalwarts like Aaron Cometbus to the less expected Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day (there is even a connection there, as they’ve worked together, but you don’t see much coverage of that, so kudos to Zine Wiki.) Zine Wiki’s interests are far-ranging and pretty deep, although the nature of the zine scene means that different geographies were more aware of some zines than others. Folks from Washington, DC and Baltimore, Maryland, and Richmond, Virginia, and the surrounding environs are most likely to have been handed a BLT somewhere, followed by people in Boston, Massachusetts, Atlanta, Georgia, Los Angles, California, and San Francisco, California, in no particular order. Zine Wiki founders Alan Lastufka and Kate Sandler appear to be out of the Chicago scene and the current crew of Denny Crawford, and Jerianne Thompson and Dan Halligan appear to be Pacific NW folks.

So, even though Blue Blood is not in Zine Wiki, it warmed the cockles of my soul that BLT is. Someone named ANGST entered the following back in 2011:

Black Leather Times a.k.a BLT

Zine developed by Amelia G and various members of the group house known as “Cambodia” in the DC Metro area in the early 90’s .

Okay, not terribly detailed, but it is nice to be remembered, if only a little teeny bit.

PS Did you know there is a Kickstarter running for BLT right now?


BLT on Zine Wiki