Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wax Trax Documentary and T-shirts

I’ve been so overwhelmed with work for the BLT Kickstarter that I almost forgot to mention that I backed the Wax Trax Kickstarter almost a month ago. There are only 5 hours left in the Wax Trax project’s funding, so get over there right now and check it out.

The Wax Trax roster was incredibly influential for me personally. A lot of those bands were in constant rotation on my and many of my friends’ CD players and tape decks back then. I remember when the Nine Inch Nails single “Get Down, Make Love” came out. The Wax Trax store was the only place in the world which had it. There was a science fiction convention in Chicago. So those two things were reason enough for me and BLT co-conspirators Shariann Lewitt and Julia Winter, plus Boner and Sarah McKinley Oakes, to all road trip to Chicago. The approach to Chicago at night is one of the most beautiful cityscapes I have ever seen. Shariann was on a panel to talk about her novels. We didn’t have a hotel room for the 2nd night, so we improvised: a lesbian friend of ours let all the ladies crash in her room but not the gent, so Boner dropped acid and stayed up all night. Sarah got really good at using those claw machines to capture stuffed animals at like every rest stop between DC and Chicago. Most importantly, we made the pilgrimage to Wax Trax. Okay, that wasn’t the best NIN track which ever came out, but I’m really happy that I got to travel through a spot where history was made.

Hmm, I’m thinking maybe I need 2 Wax Trax T-shirts and not just one. I really want to see this documentary get made, but they are not offering it in the Kickstarter. There are a lot of collectible options though. As the Kickstarter is for the purpose of funding completion of the documentary, I do understand the desire to only offer things they can deliver quickly. Really looking forward to this one. I expect I will learn a lot. Wax Trax had such an important impact on the goth-industrial scene of the 1980’s and 1990’s.


The true story of how two men took a family of queers, punks & criminals on a ride, accidentally changing music along the way. … For those of you not completely familiar with WAX TRAX! RECORDS, the label was largely responsible for fusing punk, glam & electronic music and pushing club culture into a much darker and heavier place on the dance floor. WAX TRAX! artists such as FRONT 242, MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT, MINISTRY, KMFDM, COIL, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY and so many others, created an entirely new genre, now commonly referred to as Industrial music. The label’s reach and influence during the ’80s & ’90s was global.

Wax Trax Documentary and T-shirts