Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Gender Issues

Fuck but I HATE HATE HATE being a woman. I hate that, if I don't flirt, it makes it hard to do business. I hate that, if I do flirt, it makes it hard to do business. I hate that I will be trying to make a business deal with someone and they will want to talk to Forrest instead of me. Not because he is the one interested in the deal. Just because he has a real penis and mine is a modern space age polymer.

Was going to do a post about having a really nice time out last night, but, put me back at work for a few hours, and I am posting about what I loathe.

And another thing, I'm always open to new and creative ways of doing business, doing things which are of mutual benefit, but I'm kinda tired of offering free consulting. Why is it that people are always hitting me up to make them famous, to refer models, to recommend makeup, pick clothing, refer designers, explain complex code, to help them sell their sites . . . BUT, when they could do something for me, suddenly they have some great excuse about how something about me means that they don't have to hook me up.

From cunty models who stab me in the back as soon as they have some puny single project which they think somehow competes with my long list of projects . . . to sleazy webmasters who don't want to send my sites visitors even if I pay them unless they think they are going to get some but who wouldn't know what to do with a live girl . . . to the fucking army of people who don't really do anything but would like to waste my time asking for information on how to do their nonexistent projects, which they will then decide are competitive with mine should they ever actually get off their asses.

I have a migraine coming on.

Back to work now.