Tuesday, December 30, 2003


So, I'm having another party at the Key Club on January 30. Blue Blood hotties will be performing. The bands were initially going to be London After Midnight headlining and Dead Girls Corp opening.

So London After Midnight asks for a stupid amount of money and I agree to pay it, even though it is outrageously high. Then London After Midnight says they won't share a stage with Dead Girls. Then LAM says they won't share a stage with any other band I mention. Then they say they won't share the stage with any other band period. Then they tell me they are concerned about sharing the stage with any of my models. Then they tell me they are concerned about exactly who all the sponsors are going to be and want to be able to approve and veto them before I accept any.

Then, after I've agreed to a million asinine requests, they tell me that one of the members of the band is going to be unavailable, perhaps out of town, on January 30th. They do not seem to be able to tell me which band member.

So........ who do people like at the moment? Please, please, please, make some suggestions of bands you all would like to see me book. Post 'em or email me at Amelia@BlueBlood.net

If you are in a band and you are interested in playing, please mention what you generally like to get when you do a show i.e. $, drinks, etc. I will be booking for shows besides this one this year.

My parties are not really money-making ventures, they are to have a good time and give people I work with such as cool models a chance to shine and mingle and have fun. But the last band who headlined a party of mine got a better label deal out of it. :-)