Monday, December 29, 2003

Splatter Xmas

Okay, I'm starting to get over being sick. Whenever Mark has a shindig at Spike, I always seem to get a cold afterwards. Very mysterious.

So forrestblack and I went to celebrate the holidays with our ghoulish pals. Saw luxotica, machina, yrcomplacency, barb_cure, veronica_o, and of course splatter and many non-LJ folks. yrcomplacency showed me her lovely breasts. Multiple Meltdown cover-hotties were in attendance. Fun was had.

Splatter Xmas

Splatter Xmas

Splatter Xmas

Splatter Xmas

Splatter Xmas

I'll be doing more structured galleries of stuff like this on in 2004, but we are getting ready for a relaunch now. If anyone is interested in doing photography or writing for Blue Blood in 2004, please feel free to post your qualifications and interests or email me at

Anyway, here is a secret URL on Blue Blood with rest of the snapshots from the evening's festivities: As always with snapshots (not to be confused with pro work, studio photography, etc.) if a pic is of you, feel free to repost it in your journal or communities.