Thursday, April 29, 2004

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Monday, April 26, 2004

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Thursday, April 22, 2004


Yay! I made my Marquis deadline despite being all phlegmy and gross. I'm generally a lot more clearheaded now, but I'm talking a little bit Kermit-style and I'm having trouble wearing a bra because I feel like there is a huge rubberband around my lungs. Got a new prescription which ought to clear out the rest of it though.

Having finished my priority work, I decided it would be okay to address my cough with NyQuil. I keep checking the stove to see if my lunch is ready. Only I ordered Indian delivery.

Hey, apparently someone in Russia likes my journal: read Russian? The babelfish had some trouble with this one. Hee hee

Monday, April 19, 2004

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So the CEO of Mickey D's is at this McDonald's convention and he has a heart attack. And dies.

Well, that's a heck of a punchline.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Some Models I Adore

Some models who have rocked my socks with their awesomeness this month are Szandora, Miss Eva Von Slut, Jax, Jenoside, Maitresse Jennifer, and Sinisher! And those are just the extra super duper cool folks. Lots of other models have been just normal amounts cool and still more have been simply rational and pleasant. Today is the last day of antibiotics and I must be finally getting better because I'm noticing that the good stuff waaaaaaaaaaaaaay outnumbers and outclasses the bad. Now if I could just get my hands on someone else's lungs and throat and maybe sinuses and some pancake makeup, it would be like I was all-the-way well... especially the lungs and pancake makeup...

Okay, look at this:

Everywhere I seek human interaction on the internet is overrun with the most juvenile spats. The picture above was just posted on a professional board I frequent as a response to a moderator getting rehired after he had been fired for banning an incredibly infantile and rude but big-spending advertiser who was unbanned by the owner but then pissed off the owner enough that he rebanned said advertiser and then rehired the mod. So someone with the Photoshop skills to be a web professional took the time to create the image above of said mod getting I guess fucked in the ear. Well done really. And this is on a forum for business. Comparitively, journalland starts seeming less silly. Your diary is supposed to be self-indulgent and self-obsessed.

Something about the internet makes human beings cranky on some fundamental incurable level.

Note to all my LA local peeps: As soon as I kick this cold, I need to spend some socializin' time around actual real live human beings. Like outside the house and everything. This goes double out to annathema667 and sinisher and szandora and dyingsunshine, you are charged with reminding me to get my ass to Vegas.

My head still hurts where I hit it on the concrete. I wish I could take painkillers with the rest of the medication I'm on. Hot bath was very nice though. I just emailed my doctor to whinge about how bad I feel and ask about test results.

I wonder if all of the internet is some sort of regressive juvenility machine or just the sectors of it I trawl.
Cowboy Bebop

Ugh, I just fell asleep halfway through watching the Cowboy Bebop movie with Forrest. I've seen the shows and really liked them, but I'd never seen the movie. This being sick thing sucks.

So I wake up in a pool of fever sweat and decide to take a hot bath before firing up the TiVo to watch the rest of the movie. And I make the mistake of checking the internet while the water is running.

There is one fat over-the-hill model who hasn't retired and feels compelled to talk trash about me every March. I don't know why March is special, but I haven't shot her in years and it seems to be an annual event for her to politick against me this time of year. Some of her March attempts were not very successful this year. A number of people have told me that her bitter recriminations against everyone but herself are wearing thin. But that doesn't mean there aren't a couple of pawns who are up in arms over bullshit because she wound them up and they are too blind to see that it is because she doesn't want competition from younger thinner girls.

So I just got an email from a model threatening to physically assault me.


I see pix online of a pretty girl with straight pitch black hair, milky white skin, and lots of facial piercings.
I contact girl and she tells me "It would be an honor to work with you. I always admired your work, and considered it to be Yard stick by which all Gothic Portraiture should be measured."
We agree on our standard rate, standard release, and nudity level, wardrobe and makeup.
She shows up with her guy. Most people have a no husbands/boyfriends rules, but I let him stay.
She shows up having removed ALL of her facial piercings.
She shows up tan.
She shows up broken out.
She shows up in pretty un-Gothic makeup with nothing to touch up with when she was told to bring her stuff and put it on after arrival.
She shows up with a dark brown fright wig pinned and heavily hairsprayed crookedly into her hair.
She shows up with almost no wardrobe and only kind of cheesecakey outfits instead of the clubby ones she was asked to bring.
She shows up about thirty pounds heavier than in the images I booked her from.
She seems uncomfortable nude despite having modeled before and having been offered a nude model pay rate, so I make it a mostly only topless shoot.
I pay her as I agreed. Even though she did not do as she agreed.
I don't bother processing the pictures because they are not worth it. They are not really on theme. They are not that sexy. Her crooked wig makes a lot of them unsalvageable and the rest would need major Photoshop and I don't like to work my pictures like that.
I get one picture of the girl published in a magazine because she is modeling clothing a friend of mine designed and I want to promote his work. Yes, I provided wardrobe for some of this session. The magazine is expensive and pricey to ship, but I send the girl a copy.
She asks me for a CD of images. I really doubt she wants to see what she actually looked like that day and, at any rate, it was a paid shoot with no content trade of any kind as part of it. I politely remind her of this.
I see the girl out at night and chat with her and take some snapshots. Snapshots are posted at a secret free URL. People are welcome to repost snapshots of themselves so long as they leave the URL on them. Snapshots are not the same as professional work. Later she emails me about why didn't we speak that night, when in fact we totally hung out and she apparently drunkenly forgot it.
Nine or so months pass and I still have not posted any of the pro pictures of this girl, but the time of year when the Wicked Bitch of the West likes to fuck with me comes around.
So this model emails me telling me she knows all about me now and she knows pictures of her have posted and I need to give her a pass to get them and she is going to physically assault me. Tells me it is not a threat but a warning.

Meanwhile another girl who just shot with same Wicked Bitch is making a federal case out of something I would have given her for free if she asked nicely, except that she dove right in name-calling.

All of which means I'm spending my time on bullshit when I should be taking care of my health, so I can be healthy enough to set up shoots with and send pictures and swag to people who are cool. There are a bunch of cool girls in SF I want to shoot where I've been meaning to book it for ages. There are like a dozen LA girls I said I would book at BondCon I haven't had time to shoot. It's on my to-do list to do email interviews with like twenty-five people I've shot where I want some text promoting what they do to run with their pictures which I've already shot. I need to do a Vegas shooting trip. I want to show the cool chicks of Phoenix the great stuff we shot of them while there . . . oh wait, dingopariah and my doctor told me to take today off and take care of myself . . .

Well, my phlegm is getting less colorful, but I sure am sick as hell still.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


I think I'm getting worse not better. Can't sleep for more than a couple hours without being woken up by my own coughing. My spine is all out of alignment from coughing so hard. My lungs and throat are both painful and itchy. I want to take a rake to the inside of my ribcage. The outside of my ribcage hurts like I have PMS, but I really don't think I do. One of the medical treatments is making my hair fall out and it is freaking me out. I picked up the new prescription for my laryngitus yesterday, but I'm scared to add anything to the pharmacy cocktail. I see friends of mine logging onto ICQ now who I have one or another thing I want to chat with about, but I'm just not feeling very upbeat. Kind of cool though that we have the tech to have conversations with basically no voice which once would have required a telephone. I can't deal with the headache I've had since I hit my head in Phoenix. I have so much to do. I can't be sick. I can't be out of commission.

Monday, April 12, 2004


So I guess the antibiotics are working. Yesterday, my snot was neon yellow and today it is more of a pale green. Hopefully that is an improvement. I really don't like any of the may-cause-irregular-heartbeat class of antibiotics. They seem less hard on my skin, but they make me feel worse while I am on them. Tomorrow is supposed to be the last day I have to take one, but supposedly this specific prescription stays in the system for up to a week afterwards. This medication makes me want to crawl out of my (admittedly not allergic to it the way I am Penicillin) skin, but I suppose it is good if it circulates for a while because I am sure as hell not better. Throat still really sore. Cough has moved to the top of my lungs and apparently taken up residence there. Having weird headaches which may or may not be the cold. More likely falling and hitting my head on concrete at that drilled out hotel in Phoenix. The cuts on my face have almost totally healed, though, and I'm vain enough to be awfully pleased that there appears to be no scarring.

At this rate, pretty soon, TC and I may have to plan a layout for Snot Girls. Okay, sense of humor intact. Guess I'll heal. Just have so much to catch up on that I'd like it to be now.

Going to take a hot bath. Too late to get Chinese delivery, but maybe I will crawl outside and get Thai or something to spice blast my sinuses.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Uh oh

Meme Me
I just asked the Subserviant Chicken to kiss me and the results were vaguely disturbing. Come to think of it, my asking is vaguely disturbing. I would like to take something for how miserable I feel right now, but almost nothing can be mixed with the uber-antibiotics I am on. If they weren't so speedy, I would go to sleep. I tried the auto journal tjcrowley has in his lj, but it wasn't as funny when I did it. Probably enough stupid memes for one day.

The Apprentice
I wish I had something good to watch on the TiVo. It changed channels all wrong while I was in Phoenix and didn't get most of the shows. Fortunately for its continuing existence, it did record The Apprentice. I kind of thought Troy should win. So he is a loose cannon. So what. I like loose cannons. Bill would be my second pick. Followed by Amy. I'm totally baffled that Kwame and Nick made it as far as they did.

Ack Ack
I think I can mix cough medicine with these antibiotics. I hope I can because I just did.
Ack Ack

I feel like fucking Bill the Cat. Look a little more like him than I want to too. Feeling really low. I know it is a combo of being sick, head wound, speedy antibiotics, and frustration at being too under the weather to get proper work done. Got that weird internet combo of feeling simultaneously lonely and antisocial going at the same time too.

Here is a picture of the drill used outside my room at the supposed "resort" the convention was at:

Here is a picture of the bathtub in my room:

That tub does not look like $170 a night to me.

Oh, but here is a picture of me having fun with some of my friends:

There are also a few pictures of me with some total strangers I don't remember on account of the whole head-bonking episode. Not being able to remember part of my evening really really creeps me out.

The rest of the snapshots from the first of April are posted now at:

Friday, April 09, 2004


I have so much I need to get done after being out of town. But my head just won't stop being in a fog and I finally came down with the hideous cold I was trying to fight off. Got a call in to my doctor for antibiotics and something for the laryngitus (probably spelled wrong), but I am sick of being sick. Argh. Argh. Argh.

Feeling like death in a blender.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

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Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Wow. Note to self: face planting on concrete is a drag.

My head and nose are all hurty. I am back from Phoenix now.

I will soon post pix of the fun I had and also the giant drill responsible for me falling on my face and lots of pix of me looking like I got in a fist fight.

Got a luncheon I am supposed to go to tomorrow. Should get some more sleep if I think I am going, but I am probably feeling too under the weather to make it anyway. Ouch.